I have what I hope to be my last doctor appointment for a long time on Monday for my shoulder. I finished 19 months of therapy (yes, 19 MONTHS) in January. I had 2 surgeries. I have back about 3/4 of my range of motion and maybe 1/4 my strength. I am in constant pain of various degrees. I think I've got something going on with a nerve. Weather changes are killer but that's a different type of pain. I welcomed the snow last week just for a change in pain. I can't put any pressure on that joint. No sleeping on that side or even leaning against a wall. I can't push up off an armrest of a chair to get up with that arm. I sleep in 2-3 hour blocks before it hurts so bad I have to get up. I sleep more in a recliner than in bed. I couldn't do a push up to save my life (missionary position is out). I'll never ride a motorcycle again. I can't start my chainsaw because I can't hold it steady with my bad arm to pull with my good arm. It will be interesting to see if I can hook up my trailer to my truck. I'm 15 months post-op of the second surgery and this is as good as it's going to get. And I'm light years ahead of where I was pre-op. It will at least stay in socket now.