ATF to reclassify AR and AK pistols as AOW’s!!!

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
This just broke, so I doubt they have had the time to get anything out yet. I'd look for something from them tomorrow. Same with the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition.
Well, the NRA has already been trashed in this short breaking news, so one must trash the GOA for not following breaking news as well?
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
this is just fear mongering by none other than some douche in a state where ak and ar pistols are not legal anyhow so he has nothing better to do than gawk at the rest of the country that actually has some freedoms.
Similar to the same douche that saw some legal gunowners wearing Hawaii shirts at a pro gun rally calling them the "uniform of the radical right" and sending out an alert to all ATF agencies.
I wear them all the time along with untucked brand shirts. I was actually asked about my Hawaii shirt wear at a dental office by a trainee in Stillwater that was college aged. Asked why I wear them and was told I was the second person in the clinic to have one on that day. WTF?
I wanted to tell him I was a trained killer but restrained my comments to it's a comfortable style to wear.
Nov 17, 2016
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these big youtube channels are owned by a organization with an agenda. somebody is lining their pockets to push this fear right now.
think about it. why are the two channels in massachussets and california gas'in up and hypin up for bans? nobody cares. they lost their rights. now they are trying to spread them.

heres another video by a popular gun channel thats in california.

people only see what they want you to see. and these people that lost their rights want the rest of us to loose ours aswell.
suggest you guys look into who owns some and most of these youtube "channels"
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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
C'mon Man... Why are you bashing the GOA. People have good reason to bash the NRA and you know that.


Sorry, I find Bidens attempts at being hip, funny
I stand by my comment that the NRA was trashed before the fact this was breaking news and needed to respond in kind about the GOA which I think doesn't have as much stroke legislatively.
The definition of what constitutes a "gun" be it SBR or Brace pistol has always been up for discussion. One official in a meeting determines the slide fire accessory is legal, and after a mass killing determines the same item is not legal doesn't set well with me, but I realize its a government agency with many departments, some almost autonomous. The autocrats that determined this are not subject to public voters to remove them from office for bad laws. They are free to legislate by their personal opinions along with those that work under them.
Civil servants that are almost impossible to fire, but the swamp is deep and the swamp will always defend their own.
I believe this issue will have to work it's way through the court system


Special Hen
Aug 27, 2017
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Near E. C.
Only law if you comply...

....Why comply with illegal laws.

Thought congress makes the laws, but yet they petty lackeys write it as fluid as water.

Maybe ....the correct USSC will.
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Jun 13, 2005
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The problem with the NFA is that it is a law loaded with “regulations” (CFR) that can be changed when the mood hits them.

This is similar to the building and Fire codes that get updates every few years. A section in the code changes and the existing law hasn’t changed. The entire NFA of 1934 was meant to deny access of firearms to the public and it violates the 2nd amendment and like a lot of other laws, it needs to be repealed.

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