Cops Stand By and Watch Man Drown

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Jan 12, 2007
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No... We don't know everything about the situation. What we do know is there's a cool YouTube video about it and bashing cops is the in thing to do these days.

When a cop f**ks up, it's funny how so many gun owners are very quick to jump on the bandwagon and lump all cops together as cowards or whatever. And when a gunowner f**ks up and kills someone, and the left lumps all gunowners into the "killer" category, nothing but pissing and moaning from gun owners about how their guns have never killed anyone, etc.

It's pretty tiresome.

And, yes, I know... Some cops shouldn't be wearing the badge. I worked with some. But they're no different than anyone else in terms of being people. Some will make bad decisions. I find it hilarious, though, how so many people are law enforcement experts and know all the ins and outs of police procedures and tactics when they've been trained as a police officer. I don't think there's any other profession where that kind of thing happens.

When a pilot f**ks up and crashes a plane full of people no one immediately jumps into the conversation to say "he should've used left rudder and applied more power to the #2 engine while applying right pressure on the stick".

It's not worth the time it takes to respond to their ignorance. Like all Monday Morning Quarterbacks they THINK they have all the answers in spite of the fact that they have no experience and have never walked in the shoes of those they are so quick to criticize.
Perhaps it wouldn't be tiresome if these events weren't happening so frequently? I know I judge each situation on the pros and cons of the event. I've been heavily critical of the local Uvalde response, because they screwed the pooch badly. I've been very pro TPD on their St. Francis response and while I think the Tempe PD could've been a bit more empathetic (at least in appearance), their actions were correct for the situation. The very video OP posted quotes the transcripts of the event and apparently the officers DID call for a rescue boat. At that point they've met the minimum requirements of duty. Could they have searched for other means of rescue nearby, which didn't place them in great physical danger? Sure, but we don't know how well they were aware of their surroundings and I'm not going to judge there.

So three cases, three different levels of support or condemnation. Yes there are a few ACAB and a few ACAG (great). But the discussion is important because at the end of the day, police agencies are not in charge. We The People are in charge. Everyone in the community needs to remember this on occasion. JMO, YMMV


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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They guy died being stupid and planet earth is better off without him. OKCPD recently rescued 3 kayakers who were stupid enough to launch their piece of crap plastic boats in high winds at Lake Hefner. Police Officers and other first responders risk their lives daily helping the scum of the earth. Some people make poor decisions and have consequences as a result.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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They guy died being stupid and planet earth is better off without him. OKCPD recently rescued 3 kayakers who were stupid enough to launch their piece of crap plastic boats in high winds at Lake Hefner. Police Officers and other first responders risk their lives daily helping the scum of the earth. Some people make poor decisions and have consequences as a result.

I'm a big fan of Darwin, but if my son, grandson or some other young and dumb relative got into trouble I'd be grateful for them being rescued.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2021
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Tulsa, OK

When a pilot f**ks up and crashes a plane full of people no one immediately jumps into the conversation to say "he should've used left rudder and applied more power to the #2 engine while applying right pressure on the stick".

My Friend, you are hanging out in the wrong forums! There are lots of monday morning quarterbacks out there, some of them actually think they know something, some actually do.

But your point is still very valid, as a group one would think we could objectively look at the situation and understand. But we are human, fallible, and prideful. Most of us fail to acknowledge but a human must know and understand their limitations.

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