Disaster has Occurred

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Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Thanks for all the advice, Guys. We actually let them set in the rice for almost two weeks before taking them out, so all the rounds should be pretty dry, at least on the outside. A friend asked if I wanted to disassemble a few to see if they were dry on the inside, but I told him that I figured that with my luck, those "few" would be the only ones that were good. However, if what he suggested is a good idea, I'd appreciate it if any of you would chime in with your thoughts.

My youngest son and I each have a 308, but as yet we haven't had good enough weather along with both of our schedules to take a Saturday and go to the range at Banner. Both of us want to shoot at 100 yards. So, in answer to gmar's question, nothing has happened yet. I also need to find the measurement of the inside diameter of a 308 so I can go by Lowes and get a round steel rod in case we get a squib.

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