Ersland petition..

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Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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Well lets see, thugs, enter a business, armed, try to rob, pointing firearm at business owner, business owner forced into a situation he did not ask to placed in, draws his own weapon and fires, one thug drops, another flees, owner chases after one who leaves and fires shots at him, to bad he missed, owner re eneters business, now you cannot see the thug off camera, so you dont know if he is trying to ge tup, reaching for a weapon or what he is doing, granted business owner at first does not act afraid of the thug, BUT then again I am sure, or willing to give the benefit of the doubt, that his mind is going a million differant directions, he looks over at the thug, owner produces another weapon, lesson here, carry a spare, and approaches the thug, who is still off camera, you cant see him, what he may or may not be doing, and business owner fires more shots into the thug.
So based off of that video, that I have seen, YES there is in my mind reasonable doubt. Without proof to the contray I would not and will not find a man guilty of murder.

So you are telling me that Mr Ersland would suffer from diarrhea of the mouth but fail to divulge this key fact? Something that would save his case if true but he keeps it to himself? lol


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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Added my responses behind yours..

Look at it this way 1shott...

You will fight as you train.

I will continue to train my mind to unconsciously be prepared for threats such as Ersland faced. If I am successful, I will respond in the correct manner. For me... acknowledging that Ersland did all the wrong things is the first step in training my mind using his particular scenario. The more I ensure that I comprehend the events and solidify my thoughts around the reaction, the better chance I have of ensuring a positive outcome.

I refuse to train myself to believe that it is proper to take the actions that Ersland took at every step beyond the initial shot.

He failed legally, morally, tactically and strategically.

I will not fail if put in the same situation as Ersland because I will have trained myself not to. I always do what I tell me to do.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Look at it this way 1shott...

You will fight as you train.

I will continue to train my mind to unconsciously be prepared for threats such as Ersland faced. If I am successful, I will respond in the correct manner. For me... acknowledging that Ersland did all the wrong things is the first step in training my mind using his particular scenario. The more I ensure that I comprehend the events and solidify my thoughts around the reaction, the better chance I have of ensuring a positive outcome.

I refuse to train myself to believe that it is proper to take the actions that Ersland took at every step beyond the initial shot.

He failed legally, morally, tactically and strategically.

I will not fail if put in the same situation as Ersland because I will have trained myself not to. I always do what I tell me to do.

Thats all good and well. I am not saying the guy is a saint, I am saying that from watching the video I saw, there is reasonable doubt in my mind about if the thug was no longer a threat. No one knows what was going on in his mind but him. Did he make mistakes after ward, yup, sure did, and I am sure if a person was to search thru the archives of this joint, they would find that I posted several times, they guy should shut up.
Reasonable doubt, in my view about what happened in the pharmacy. I cant convict someone when there is a reasonable doubt.

As I told JB, I am done, I have posted my view, you have yours, we dont agree on all points, hey thats all fine and well..


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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So you are telling me that Mr Ersland would suffer from diarrhea of the mouth but fail to divulge this key fact? Something that would save his case if true but he keeps it to himself? lol

No, but by his acts in the days afterward, I honestly dont think he really knew what he was doing.


Special Hen
Jun 22, 2008
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HA! That's funny right there. You got me.

The serious side of me would say that because he choose to arm himself, that he should have also trained himself in that regard.

Just think, if only he would have been handed a link to Michael Brown's thread........


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
Thats all good and well. I am not saying the guy is a saint, I am saying that from watching the video I saw, there is reasonable doubt in my mind about if the thug was no longer a threat. No one knows what was going on in his mind but him. Did he make mistakes after ward, yup, sure did, and I am sure if a person was to search thru the archives of this joint, they would find that I posted several times, they guy should shut up.
Reasonable doubt, in my view about what happened in the pharmacy. I cant convict someone when there is a reasonable doubt.

As I told JB, I am done, I have posted my view, you have yours, we dont agree on all points, hey thats all fine and well..

Fair enough.
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