I like to play devil's advocate once in a while. I went to high school during forced busing. Brilliant plan. Everyone involved seemed to bepissed off.
I've seen the "projects" moved to 61st and Peoria, while homeowners opposed were painted as evil, sefish, racists. look at what a raging success that has been.
I have the "tribal" housing issue now in my neighborhood - it's better than an apartment complex of unemployed single moms and their precious offspring, but only in size and scope.
W have taken away the incentives for people to work, live responsibly, and take care of "the children". Guvmint (taxpaying workers) will take care of it all, and if you want to live removed from those other folks, you obviously are evil.
I may be getting old and cranky....
Now I can feel ya brother.
Old and cranky's not such a bad thing.