That's all well and good, but technically registration doesn't equal infringement...or does it?
Just because they desire to register something...does that infringe upon your right to keep and bear it?
If so, how?
We do have voter registration...
Looking at the zillions of gun laws already on the books, I'm not convinced they are.
Of course, I've been known to be wrong....
Registration comes between you and your arms. The back door registration via the 4473s is no different than above the table, in your face registration. You had to fill out the 4473 to buy your gun = infringement. Above the table, in your face registration = infringement. You couldn't buy your gun without filling out the 4473. The 4473 came between you and your gun same as a requirement to register your arms would do. If you didn't register them under some law, you'd lose them under that law. If it comes between you and your arms - no matter how seemingly benign, innocuous, and stealthy - it's an infringement, therefore, unconstitutional.
Voter registration is not unconstitutional. Voting is a privilege. In order to vote you must meet certain requirements. Voter registration is not prohibited in the Constitution. Infringing upon our RKBA is prohibited in the Constitution.