Good article on the state of the libertarian movement.

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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And still you have not provided anything to back that up.

All you have to do is read this thread and all the others like it.

Seriously I did read the piece posted and laughed my ass off. I have been following the Libertarians since RP left the GOP in a huff over Reagan getting the nomination. I see nothing that makes me think they will ever be more then another Green Party because they can not get any real support even from the people that claim to believe as they do.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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All you have to do is read this thread and all the others like it.

Seriously I did read the piece posted and laughed my ass off. I have been following the Libertarians since RP left the GOP in a huff over Reagan getting the nomination. I see nothing that makes me think they will ever be more then another Green Party because they can not get any real support even from the people that claim to believe as they do.

Well, then, what has you so concerned about the LP? Your Statists are safe if you are correct.


Special Hen
Aug 18, 2009
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All you have to do is read this thread and all the others like it.

Seriously I did read the piece posted and laughed my ass off. I have been following the Libertarians since RP left the GOP in a huff over Reagan getting the nomination. I see nothing that makes me think they will ever be more then another Green Party because they can not get any real support even from the people that claim to believe as they do.

The fact that you think that just reading a few internet comments is enough to qualify a blanket label shows how unsupported your claims are.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Sorry guys, I gave short replies because I had something far more important to do. It involved spare ribs and green beans with new potatoes. :D :D

Well, then, what has you so concerned about the LP? Your Statists are safe if you are correct.

I am not concerned at all, in fact I wished they would leave and shake things up. As I have said many times in these threads, that will be the only way the system ever changes. We need a real third party and the Libertarians have a viable party if they will ever work for it.

The fact that you think that just reading a few internet comments is enough to qualify a blanket label shows how unsupported your claims are.

You want the long answer? Numerous internet polls, straw polls, etc that the libertarians win, yet they can not pull more then 10% in a real election. Years of me looking for some of you with a petition to get your candidates on the OK ballot but I have never seen even one. etc, etc, etc. You folks talk a good game but are not willing to work for it! Have any of you collected signatures to get a Libertarian on the ballot? Have you donated time to help a Libertarian candidate's campaign? Have you donated any money at all to one? I thought not. Ever election we have one or two members walking the walk, the rest just whine about how unfair the process is to their ideas. As I have posted here many, many times, the two majors are not going to hand it to you, you are going to have to get off your collective asses and work for it.

For the record, the reason I look for one of you with a petition is because I would sign it. I do not agree with you but a third party will be good for the process. Even if they never win an election, if they get enough followers willing to work for them it will send a strong message to the career political types in DC.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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Sorry guys, I gave short replies because I had something far more important to do. It involved spare ribs and green beans with new potatoes. :D :D

I am not concerned at all, in fact I wished they would leave and shake things up. As I have said many times in these threads, that will be the only way the system ever changes. We need a real third party and the Libertarians have a viable party if they will ever work for it.

You want the long answer? Numerous internet polls, straw polls, etc that the libertarians win, yet they can not pull more then 10% in a real election. Years of me looking for some of you with a petition to get your candidates on the OK ballot but I have never seen even one. etc, etc, etc. You folks talk a good game but are not willing to work for it! Have any of you collected signatures to get a Libertarian on the ballot? Have you donated time to help a Libertarian candidate's campaign? Have you donated any money at all to one? I thought not. Ever election we have one or two members walking the walk, the rest just whine about how unfair the process is to their ideas. As I have posted here many, many times, the two majors are not going to hand it to you, you are going to have to get off your collective asses and work for it.

For the record, the reason I look for one of you with a petition is because I would sign it. I do not agree with you but a third party will be good for the process. Even if they never win an election, if they get enough followers willing to work for them it will send a strong message to the career political types in DC.

One issue they have with getting people to go out and help them be a viable third is the following philosophy:

No, not at all. The main philosophy is that you know what's best for yourself. Rather than having a govt or someone else tell you what is good for yourself. It's radical, I know.

Too busy worrying about themselves and not wanting to do much for anyone else. When they have people that get out and try many who identify as Libertarian don't want to be bothered. That is the problem when you want to get that close to the anarchy border.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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One issue they have with getting people to go out and help them be a viable third is the following philosophy:

Too busy worrying about themselves and not wanting to do much for anyone else. When they have people that get out and try many who identify as Libertarian don't want to be bothered. That is the problem when you want to get that close to the anarchy border.

Some yes, but I still think most just use being libertarian as an excuse to do nothing. If they can not do it from the comfort of their couch or at worst computer, it just is not worth doing. Besides it lets them fool themselves. "I would try to make a difference but it is just no use since the big parties will not hand us power on a silver platter."

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