Have you lost interest in guns?

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Aug 21, 2015
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I got into guns back just toward the end of the AWB and really enjoyed the plethora of cheap milsurps that were to be had. All that stuff is virtually gone unless you're willing to sink real money into them and that's kept me rather flittering around the gun hobby for years. I build an AR now and again and dabble with interesting pistols but overall the thrill is sorta gone with the market being what it is. There's still some stuff I'd like to so but a lot of it's ancient history now. I feel bad for young folks that got into this stuff late that will never know how it was, and I suppose folks older than me feel the same way. I'll always be sufficiently equipped and get a little practice in now and then, but shooting without having to socialize to one degree or another has kinda dampened that as well. Folks that can shoot on their own land are very lucky, I haven't been able to in fifteen years or more now.
I've also got a handful of other expensive time consuming hobbies that I cycle through so it's never been an all encompassing thing.

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