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Nov 23, 2019
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I was just thinking about complaining about the heat today.
If you won't, I will. What is up with this late heat, I just got used to having a nice electricity bill and then this happens. Also only gets warm/hot on my days off, figures. Don't get me started on all the food recalls lately either. Well I am going to wonder outside and yell at some clouds now.


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Special Hen
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Del City, OK
Thank you for your service!
I was 13 in 1968. GCA 68 is what I'm referring to. Don't punish the criminals, put restrictions on the folks who haven't yet done anything wrong. Though I did enlist in 1973. Retired in 1997. And for all I was able to do to protect and preserve out civil rights, I might as well have spent the time blind drunk.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
14 years and this place still sounds like the group of old women at the beauty salon on Saturday morning.

Brings back memories of when we used to take my grandma. This older women had a beauty salon at her house. Her husband was a dumptruck driver but I don’t guess he would haul Saturday’s. And my grandma had a daycare so that was the only day she could go seeing how church was she did on Sundays.

My grandma didn’t drive so grandpa drove her there every other Saturday. In the summer when I was usually with them. And grandpa would just sit on the back porch with the beauticians husband and drink coffee. I don’t remember them ever having much of a conversation for the two to three hours we would be there. Just sit there and sip coffee in silence staring at the woods.

Took me until I was in my forties to appreciate sitting on the back porch with a buddy drinking coffee and not saying three words to each other.

Thats what you people sound like. Then old women in there bitching over the noise of the hair dryers with curlers in your hair just bitching away about anything and everything. So much to the point your husbands just sit outside in the 90 degree July mornings drinking coffee and staring into the woods in silence. Anything to avoid listening to the bulk serving of bitching and nagging that they had been getting C-rations of thru out the week.

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