Some people hope it will happen to give their lives meaning. The government is never going to collapse, but some folks sure make a good living keeping the rest of you stirred up. How do I get in on that action?
You're already in it
Some people hope it will happen to give their lives meaning. The government is never going to collapse, but some folks sure make a good living keeping the rest of you stirred up. How do I get in on that action?
You're already in it
I'll give ya $10.00 obamabucks for it!
No seriously, I'll give you 10 dollars for it.
Some people hope it will happen to give their lives meaning.
Is it really unreasonable to believe that a society which purposely programs so many people to be apathetic and useless is flawed at it's core and therefore worthy of (or doomed to) destruction?
I certainly don't want anyone to be harmed, or for my country to be destroyed or even damaged, but it is indeed a fearful supposition that all our attempts to make our society better only make it decay faster.
Don't .
That's called talking out of both sides of your mouth. Do you really believe millions of your fellow citizens "deserve to endure a litle carnage?"
It always amazes me that so many of the "super duper" hardcore "patriots" so passionately long for some type of civil unrest to befall our country.