Money has never motivated me. Whenever I get to thinking about moving, I pull up home sale prices/rent prices elsewhere and I'm all like 'oh yeah, stuff costs actual money in other places'.
Great minds think alike even though in different times.
I was jerked out of Ok by being drafted into the military at 19 yrs old. Getting out, I had an option to ship my meger belongings in a 90 lb weight limit to anywhere in the US I wanted.
I knew from past experiences, that the "quality of life" far exceeds a good life.
Having been stationed at different times in NJ, KY, TN, CA, and KS, I chose to come right back to OK.
I knew a lot of people. My lifetime passion of hunting and fishing cannot be surpassed anywhere else. For years, there was enough money to enjoy life while raising the kids, and have been rewarded by one of my sons sending me pics of his kids fishing this last weekend, and giving suggestions to get them new fishing poles and tackle for Christmas.
All of this relates to the hours on the job worked.
Over the years, I've volunteered for every hour overtime that I can get. Every dime goes back to the "quality of life" and not to trying to impress the neighbors. Every dime has been spent on extra's for the kids, now the grandkids, all the time putting some away to make sure the quality of life for them and us keeps on the same track.