How many of you guys had Covid?

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Zawsze gotowy Zawsze blisko
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Aug 23, 2024
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East/Northeast Oklahoma
I tested positive three different times - once before the first vaccination, once after the first vaccination, and the third time after the second vaccination and the booster. Each time for me, it wasn’t any different than the normal being sick. Each time only lasted three to four days, never lost my sense of smell or taste, and I was good to go with the typical OTC medicine.

I originally had no intention of getting the vaccine, but I went to see my daughter one day who worked at a pharmacy and said you might as well get it while you’re here…so I said ok, whatever. Since I got the first one, figured I might as well go ahead and get the second. Only got the booster because of visiting my daughter at work again one day. Since it wasn’t ever that bad for me, I had not interest in the other boosters.

Side note: I also decided to get the vaccines and booster to make my life easier to travel since everyone was on a wild trip over it at the time.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2020
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Since 2020 I've tested 'positive' a total of six (6) times - roughly once every eight/nine months or so. In every instance, my symptoms were ridiculously mild... EXCEPT for body aches. Each time, I felt like I'd been beaten (especially across my back and shoulders) with a baseball bat! That lone 'serious' symptom has been consistent, and it always lasted between seventy-two (72) and ninety-six (96) hours.

That's despite receiving the initial injection, a booster, and monoclonal infusion! At that point, I simply stopped taking the medications (the doctor-recommended 'shots' just don't work, folks) and now I simply 'ride it out' each time.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 14, 2021
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I've had it a couple times. It's affected me mentally for sure. All I think about are big breasts and dirty sex. Before Covid all I thought about was big breasts and dirty sex. My short term memory has all but disa big breasts ppred dirty and my mental sex.
Hmmm, guess I had Covid when I was 11...


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 12, 2017
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Coronavirus is one of the viruses that cause illness in numerous animals including humans. It is also carried by various host species without causing morbidity. Although it isn’t as common (as say) the rhinoviruses that cause common colds, it is one of the numerous viruses in the environment in which we are constantly exposed.

COVID 19 was not a naturally occurring virus because it was genetically parsed together using elements of other viruses that were far more dangerous with the specific intent of achieving a chimeric pathogen that was able to gain the function of being able to cross over and infect a host that it had not evolved naturally to inhabit. The fact that scientists and medical researchers would even attempt to do this screams madness and bears testimony to their hubris and suggests that they are collaborating with agencies in the shadows that encouraging these activities for nefarious purposes.

The course of the virulence of COVID 19 and the degree of morbidity it produced has followed the typical progression of all virus that mutate and impact the living things that they employ as hosts. This is: over time the illnesses they cause becomes less intense. Theoretically, this is believed to be a logical natural response as organisms that requires a host organism to survive and reproduce are disadvantaged if the host dies due to their presence because they die along with it. They appear to seek hosts in which they can coexist like Herpes zoster (varicella-zoster) the pathogen that causes Chicken Pox which is, after the initial course of infection has passed , it goes into hiding (LOL) somewhere in its host only emerging if and when the host’s immune system is stressed and compromised which, in varicella-zoster, can result in the dreaded Shingles! LOL….,again.

Viruses may not have all the attributes of more complex living things, but they exhibit some of their essential behaviors such as reproducing themselves and adapting over time to changes in their environment.

With respect to COVID 19, I personally never succumbed to the fear mongering propaganda droned by the media. It was so consistent in phraseology that I was certain that it originated from a single source reminding me of Military PSYOPS Counterintelligence Operations. Also, after a 39 year career as a Registered Respiratory Therapist, I’d been exposed to every conceivable pathogen via Airborn, Droplet, Contact, and Blood and Body Fluids, often unknowingly, and without the benefit of Personal Protective Equipment. My natural immunity was almost certainly enhanced by these exposures and it had always protected me. You might say that I have implicit confidence in the millions of years of evolution that provided me with my immune system. Anecdotally, I was exposed early on in January 2020 when I was staying in Alabama with one of my sons. He and his family became infected after their children were in school where they were unknowingly exposed to COVID 19 and became infected. About five days before I was to return to Oklahoma, my daughter in law said she couldn’t taste food and my granddaughter was aching all over with malaise and a low fever, but no respiratory signs or symptoms. While driving west through Louisiana, my son called and told me that his whole family was ill and had tested positive for COVID 19. I never became ill. Later that year, my best friend died in the hospital with COVID 19. He was overweight and had been an insulin dependent diabetic from age five and was living for the 22nd year with a donor kidney. His son in law’s father died and he, in his 40s, almost succumbed in a hospital with pulmonary complications. He’s a former Staff Sgt USMC Combat Dog Handler. In my estimation, the incidence of tragic outcomes such as these which I was observing did not correlate with the horrendous predictions and exaggerated reporting that I was seeing from the media. After I reviewed the Mortality Reports published by the C.D.C. and observed that death statistics for Influenza, Pneumonia, Cancers, Heart Disease etc had plummeted to near zero!, my suspicion turned to outright distrust. Data was being misreported to promote exaggerated official narratives. Anyway, neither I nor my wife (a Registered Nurse with over 40 years of experience) ever took the (so called) vaccines for COVID 19. The reality of this issue is another whole story that is just as outrageous as this one.

In conclusion, I will say, our natural immunity is a treasure. Many people died from COVID 19, but most had compromising health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, emphsema, renal failure, chronic asthma and/or the infirmity that comes along with old age. During my career, there were numerous epidemics that culled weaken individuals from our human herd (the Law of Natural Selection still remains in force on planet Earth), but the vast majority of us continued on. I recommend valuing the fleeting time we have, using reasonable precautions in life; but not spending our this precious time cowering in fear of the unknown. We’re all going to the same destination and whether it’s the Pearly Gates, or to back to where we were before we were born, neither of these alternatives is something to fear. Consider this: there are those who are deliberately attempting to condition us to respond quickly to the voice of authority through the use of fear (negative conditioning . I, for one, am not going to give them the satisfaction!

We’ll, one last thing. During my career, I was present during the deaths of more people than most physicians barring those who work in Emergency Rooms. RTs are called when any condition gets critical. In the great majority of cases that I observed, as death approached, the dying were obtunded or comatose. They didn’t suffer and their conscious spirit just dimmed and ceased to exist. I recall a quite from a Nurse whom had survived infection with Ebola. She said, “I felt so ill that I hoped I would die.” Stay well, my friends…..


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 14, 2021
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Coronavirus is one of the viruses that cause illness in numerous animals including humans. It is also carried by various host species without causing morbidity. Although it isn’t as common (as say) the rhinoviruses that cause common colds, it is one of the numerous viruses in the environment in which we are constantly exposed.

COVID 19 was not a naturally occurring virus because it was genetically parsed together using elements of other viruses that were far more dangerous with the specific intent of achieving a chimeric pathogen that was able to gain the function of being able to cross over and infect a host that it had not evolved naturally to inhabit. The fact that scientists and medical researchers would even attempt to do this screams madness and bears testimony to their hubris and suggests that they are collaborating with agencies in the shadows that encouraging these activities for nefarious purposes.

The course of the virulence of COVID 19 and the degree of morbidity it produced has followed the typical progression of all virus that mutate and impact the living things that they employ as hosts. This is: over time the illnesses they cause becomes less intense. Theoretically, this is believed to be a logical natural response as organisms that requires a host organism to survive and reproduce are disadvantaged if the host dies due to their presence because they die along with it. They appear to seek hosts in which they can coexist like Herpes zoster (varicella-zoster) the pathogen that causes Chicken Pox which is, after the initial course of infection has passed , it goes into hiding (LOL) somewhere in its host only emerging if and when the host’s immune system is stressed and compromised which, in varicella-zoster, can result in the dreaded Shingles! LOL….,again.

Viruses may not have all the attributes of more complex living things, but they exhibit some of their essential behaviors such as reproducing themselves and adapting over time to changes in their environment.

With respect to COVID 19, I personally never succumbed to the fear mongering propaganda droned by the media. It was so consistent in phraseology that I was certain that it originated from a single source reminding me of Military PSYOPS Counterintelligence Operations. Also, after a 39 year career as a Registered Respiratory Therapist, I’d been exposed to every conceivable pathogen via Airborn, Droplet, Contact, and Blood and Body Fluids, often unknowingly, and without the benefit of Personal Protective Equipment. My natural immunity was almost certainly enhanced by these exposures and it had always protected me. You might say that I have implicit confidence in the millions of years of evolution that provided me with my immune system. Anecdotally, I was exposed early on in January 2020 when I was staying in Alabama with one of my sons. He and his family became infected after their children were in school where they were unknowingly exposed to COVID 19 and became infected. About five days before I was to return to Oklahoma, my daughter in law said she couldn’t taste food and my granddaughter was aching all over with malaise and a low fever, but no respiratory signs or symptoms. While driving west through Louisiana, my son called and told me that his whole family was ill and had tested positive for COVID 19. I never became ill. Later that year, my best friend died in the hospital with COVID 19. He was overweight and had been an insulin dependent diabetic from age five and was living for the 22nd year with a donor kidney. His son in law’s father died and he, in his 40s, almost succumbed in a hospital with pulmonary complications. He’s a former Staff Sgt USMC Combat Dog Handler. In my estimation, the incidence of tragic outcomes such as these which I was observing did not correlate with the horrendous predictions and exaggerated reporting that I was seeing from the media. After I reviewed the Mortality Reports published by the C.D.C. and observed that death statistics for Influenza, Pneumonia, Cancers, Heart Disease etc had plummeted to near zero!, my suspicion turned to outright distrust. Data was being misreported to promote exaggerated official narratives. Anyway, neither I nor my wife (a Registered Nurse with over 40 years of experience) ever took the (so called) vaccines for COVID 19. The reality of this issue is another whole story that is just as outrageous as this one.

In conclusion, I will say, our natural immunity is a treasure. Many people died from COVID 19, but most had compromising health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, emphsema, renal failure, chronic asthma and/or the infirmity that comes along with old age. During my career, there were numerous epidemics that culled weaken individuals from our human herd (the Law of Natural Selection still remains in force on planet Earth), but the vast majority of us continued on. I recommend valuing the fleeting time we have, using reasonable precautions in life; but not spending our this precious time cowering in fear of the unknown. We’re all going to the same destination and whether it’s the Pearly Gates, or to back to where we were before we were born, neither of these alternatives is something to fear. Consider this: there are those who are deliberately attempting to condition us to respond quickly to the voice of authority through the use of fear (negative conditioning . I, for one, am not going to give them the satisfaction!

We’ll, one last thing. During my career, I was present during the deaths of more people than most physicians barring those who work in Emergency Rooms. RTs are called when any condition gets critical. In the great majority of cases that I observed, as death approached, the dying were obtunded or comatose. They didn’t suffer and their conscious spirit just dimmed and ceased to exist. I recall a quite from a Nurse whom had survived infection with Ebola. She said, “I felt so ill that I hoped I would die.” Stay well, my friends…..
Judging from my political posts I'm sure that a lot of people might deem me a conspiracy theorist but I actually only believe in one conspiracy theory. That is that we are not actually in a right/left battle but a have/have not battle. The WEF has stated publicly that of the earths 7 billion people it has 6 billion too many and for the planet to survive we need to...."fix" that. I pretty much don't trust ANY government officials. Theres only 30-35 members of congress that care about our constitution at all. The rest are just greedy bastards out for themselves and that includes both parties.
I never bought that absurd "wet market" BS from the start, and I DAMN sure am not taking ANY rushed vaccine. I have never had a flu shot. I have about a half a dozen co-morbidities and I have had Covid twice, the first time the only symptom was fatigue the second the same. My wife had it both times with me and although she is several years younger and extremely active and healthy it was quite a bit worse on her. My doctor told me to take the vaccine and it would keep me from getting Covid, I declined. Next visit I told him it wasn't keeping people from getting Covid and he said it would lessen my symptoms, I declined. Third visit I told him I was reading it doesn't reduce symptoms. He said it would prevent me from spreading the disease. Next visit I told him the reports are it doesn't do that either. Last visit he shut the hell up about that BS vaccine. People that have taken the jab have their heads buried in the sand and do not want to accept the fact that they willingly poisoned themselves and in all probability altered their genetics. I read a speech given to Parliament in Great Britain by the worlds leading immunologist where he stated the effects from this so called vaccine are going to become more and more severe as the time elapses from when one first took the vaccine. In the very near future people will be dropping like flies. If you read or watch anything besides MSNBC and CNN you already notice a great number of previously young, healthy, fit people are falling over dead. Ive attached an article fresh from today's news for the doubters out there.
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Special Hen
May 9, 2009
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I've had it around 10 times or so. Tested positive for 13 days the first time. Man, the worst sore throat and felt like a truck hit me. The next time I had to get a tooth implant. another time I had to use my cane as my ankle swelled up like a pumpkin. A remedy I found that worked was soaking my hand in a bowl of water at night during sleep!

Jason Freeland

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 27, 2020
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Warr Acres
Coronavirus is one of the viruses that cause illness in numerous animals including humans. It is also carried by various host species without causing morbidity. Although it isn’t as common (as say) the rhinoviruses that cause common colds, it is one of the numerous viruses in the environment in which we are constantly exposed.

COVID 19 was not a naturally occurring virus because it was genetically parsed together using elements of other viruses that were far more dangerous with the specific intent of achieving a chimeric pathogen that was able to gain the function of being able to cross over and infect a host that it had not evolved naturally to inhabit. The fact that scientists and medical researchers would even attempt to do this screams madness and bears testimony to their hubris and suggests that they are collaborating with agencies in the shadows that encouraging these activities for nefarious purposes.

The course of the virulence of COVID 19 and the degree of morbidity it produced has followed the typical progression of all virus that mutate and impact the living things that they employ as hosts. This is: over time the illnesses they cause becomes less intense. Theoretically, this is believed to be a logical natural response as organisms that requires a host organism to survive and reproduce are disadvantaged if the host dies due to their presence because they die along with it. They appear to seek hosts in which they can coexist like Herpes zoster (varicella-zoster) the pathogen that causes Chicken Pox which is, after the initial course of infection has passed , it goes into hiding (LOL) somewhere in its host only emerging if and when the host’s immune system is stressed and compromised which, in varicella-zoster, can result in the dreaded Shingles! LOL….,again.

Viruses may not have all the attributes of more complex living things, but they exhibit some of their essential behaviors such as reproducing themselves and adapting over time to changes in their environment.

With respect to COVID 19, I personally never succumbed to the fear mongering propaganda droned by the media. It was so consistent in phraseology that I was certain that it originated from a single source reminding me of Military PSYOPS Counterintelligence Operations. Also, after a 39 year career as a Registered Respiratory Therapist, I’d been exposed to every conceivable pathogen via Airborn, Droplet, Contact, and Blood and Body Fluids, often unknowingly, and without the benefit of Personal Protective Equipment. My natural immunity was almost certainly enhanced by these exposures and it had always protected me. You might say that I have implicit confidence in the millions of years of evolution that provided me with my immune system. Anecdotally, I was exposed early on in January 2020 when I was staying in Alabama with one of my sons. He and his family became infected after their children were in school where they were unknowingly exposed to COVID 19 and became infected. About five days before I was to return to Oklahoma, my daughter in law said she couldn’t taste food and my granddaughter was aching all over with malaise and a low fever, but no respiratory signs or symptoms. While driving west through Louisiana, my son called and told me that his whole family was ill and had tested positive for COVID 19. I never became ill. Later that year, my best friend died in the hospital with COVID 19. He was overweight and had been an insulin dependent diabetic from age five and was living for the 22nd year with a donor kidney. His son in law’s father died and he, in his 40s, almost succumbed in a hospital with pulmonary complications. He’s a former Staff Sgt USMC Combat Dog Handler. In my estimation, the incidence of tragic outcomes such as these which I was observing did not correlate with the horrendous predictions and exaggerated reporting that I was seeing from the media. After I reviewed the Mortality Reports published by the C.D.C. and observed that death statistics for Influenza, Pneumonia, Cancers, Heart Disease etc had plummeted to near zero!, my suspicion turned to outright distrust. Data was being misreported to promote exaggerated official narratives. Anyway, neither I nor my wife (a Registered Nurse with over 40 years of experience) ever took the (so called) vaccines for COVID 19. The reality of this issue is another whole story that is just as outrageous as this one.

In conclusion, I will say, our natural immunity is a treasure. Many people died from COVID 19, but most had compromising health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, emphsema, renal failure, chronic asthma and/or the infirmity that comes along with old age. During my career, there were numerous epidemics that culled weaken individuals from our human herd (the Law of Natural Selection still remains in force on planet Earth), but the vast majority of us continued on. I recommend valuing the fleeting time we have, using reasonable precautions in life; but not spending our this precious time cowering in fear of the unknown. We’re all going to the same destination and whether it’s the Pearly Gates, or to back to where we were before we were born, neither of these alternatives is something to fear. Consider this: there are those who are deliberately attempting to condition us to respond quickly to the voice of authority through the use of fear (negative conditioning . I, for one, am not going to give them the satisfaction!

We’ll, one last thing. During my career, I was present during the deaths of more people than most physicians barring those who work in Emergency Rooms. RTs are called when any condition gets critical. In the great majority of cases that I observed, as death approached, the dying were obtunded or comatose. They didn’t suffer and their conscious spirit just dimmed and ceased to exist. I recall a quite from a Nurse whom had survived infection with Ebola. She said, “I felt so ill that I hoped I would die.” Stay well, my friends…..
Nice to see another RRT here, not many can truly get what we saw and went through.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I think I had it two or three times. First was the worst, but only like a mild case of the flu with frequent nap-attacks. I never tested because I did not want my healthy kids to be quarantined and because no one's destiny depends on what I do. I basically lost my sense of smell and it never came back, but it was sub-optimal before.
This has been my experience also. I also didn't test but it was because I didn't want to deal with the ******** that would have come with a positive diagnosis. Also, like you, nothing I do matters to anyone but me. Maybe Grumpy, kinda depends on what day it is. Lol I lost my sense of taste and smell. Both seem to be fine now.

I was raised on animal meds, and learned very early in life, that the medications used in "human" meds and "animal" meds is the exact same thing, so I have taken "animal" ivermectin. Between taking animal meds and not taking the vaccine developed just for people, it's a wonder I haven't killed myself. Lol

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