Instead of Austin, how about Obama, TX.?

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Special Hen
Oct 1, 2009
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Has a nice ring to it..

This nonsense is beyond silly at this point.

A new report from Austin, Texas’s Equity Office about existing Confederate monuments suggested changing the city's name.

The report identified several neighborhoods and 10 streets named in honor of the Confederacy or William Barton, a slave owner dubbed the “Daniel Boone of Texas," that could be changed, The Austin American-Statesman reported Friday.

Austin’s namesake, Stephen F. Austin — also referred to as the "father of Texas" — opposed efforts by Mexico to abolish slavery in the Tejas province, saying freed slaves would become “vagabonds, a nuisance and a menace,” the newspaper noted.

Renaming the state’s capital would most likely require a citywide election because the name has been denoted in the city charter.

The Equity Office report also identified a number of Confederate historical markers on city property that could be removed with the approval of the Texas Historical Commission and the Travis County Historical Commission, the Statesman noted.

The report comes amid a national debate on Confederate monuments that was sparked following the 2015 mass shooting of black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C.

Dylann Roof, who was convicted of shooting and killing nine parishioners at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, is a self-proclaimed white supremacist who often donned a Confederate flag and says he was trying to ignite a race war.

Since then, 113 Confederate symbols across the country have been removed, according to a June report from the Southern Poverty Law Center.

A Richmond, Va., committee earlier this month recommended that the city remove a statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, but keep other Confederate monuments in place, including one of Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Two streets recognizing Confederate leaders were changed in Austin earlier this year, the Statesman reported.

The report acknowledged that the removal of Confederate monuments is controversial, as some people view such name changes and the removal of such statues as a threat to historical preservation.

“It is essential to acknowledge that societal values are fluid, and they can be and are different today compared to when our city made decisions to name and/or place these Confederate symbols in our community,” the Equity Office's report notes.

“It is also important to acknowledge that nearly all monuments to the Confederacy and its leaders were erected without a true democratic process. People of color often had no voice and no opportunity to raise concerns about the city’s decision to honor Confederate leaders,” it continues.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
Am I the only one who sees states removing Confederate markers and still *****ing about .gov intrusion? How is it that no one can understand states rights ceased to exist in 1865? There was a war over it. The .gov won.

And how did states rights cease to exist? The south basically took their ball and left the playground when Lincoln won the presidency, paving the way for the end of slavery. People claim the civil war was about this or that, but in the end it was slavery that the south refused to bend on. They saw the writing on the wall with the Kansas-Nebraska act and how it backfired for them. And the states still have rights, its one of the reasons we have to look up state laws when trying to carry across state lines.

I will agree that demolishing statues of Confederate leaders, renaming streets, etc is stupid. Regardless of their impact these people paved the way for these cities and states to exist. Regardless of the positive or negative that history has, it is what makes us who we are today. Just as all of my decisions, both good and bad, have forged me into who I am today, our nation's history is what makes it what it is today. Destroying reminders of that history doesn't change that history, it just puts it in the dark. And as the saying goes "He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it".

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