Just got an email for this. It is at Gordon cooper technology center tomorrow from 7-8PM. Thought I would give a heads up in case y'all wanted to go and didn't know about it.
Great. I hope somebody asks him where he stands on the 2nd amendmen AND when he start in on supporting the rights of people to have guns and hunt and to defend themselves, I hope people call him on it and ask what about guns because we want to just shoot and plin, and trade---because we are a free people. I hope someone makes him come clean on his "assault weapon
stance, etc.
He won't give anyone the chance to call him on anything. He will draw the questions from a hat and he won't say that the 2A is for protection against tyranny. He will say he supports people's right to hunt and sport. But that is it. I don't think he really supports the 2A as much as he says.
Lankford has his little red bucket that he draws questions from and follow-ups aren't possible. He gives his canned speech of how he supports the rights of hunters, sportsmen and self-defenders and quickly moves on to the next selection. When pressed about the real reason for the Second Amendment, he will duck it completely and NEVER, EVER discuss the real reason for the 2A.