Spending won’t really slow down until folks have maxed out their credit cards. It’s going to take a bit for that to happen, but hard times are ahead of us.
I don't know about that. Half the people I know have already maxed out their CC's keeping food on the table and the lights on, or buying crap to mitigate their 'down time' during the pandemic. I agree that "hard times" are coming.Spending won’t really slow down until folks have maxed out their credit cards. It’s going to take a bit for that to happen, but hard times are ahead of us.
The pos was installed not elected. Otherwise I agree.I'll start getting social security in January. It'll basically put us where we were, buying power wise, 2 years ago.
Two words... F**K this brain-dead, moron of a president and every f**king brain-dead moron that voted for him. I hope you're happy being an idiot...
The current central bank prime rate is 3.25%. That is still historically low. Wish they would quite pussy-footing around and get it up to a meaningful and effective zone. It's not working because, understandably, they are going so very slowly considering the circumstances. At this rate of increase (.75% at a time) it'll be the middle of next year before it's high enough to have it's intended effect.
The other issue going on is the QT. The monetary policy is causing a liquidity shortage around the globe. Banks are running out of cash, with the UK currently trying to mitigate that. Most folks aren’t taking this seriously or don’t really understand the ramifications of what we are going to go through.
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