negotiating with terrorists

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I think the Taliban played Obama and he swallowed hook, line and sinker. They made up some story about his health and said they needed to do this swap right now. Obama takes the bait, thinking he could play the hero card and bedazzle everyone to hide the truth. He even tried to spike the ball with the WH invitation and party for the parents. Luckily it appears to be blowing up in his face but nothing will come of it in the end. I was thinking that this guy's file would get "classified", then he'd end up with a few medals and another promotion. Don't think that's likely now but Obama never ceases to amaze so we'll have to wait and see.

It could also just be a "test run" by Obama to see if he really can go around congress and empty GITMO. :popcorn:

Spec ops Grunt

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2011
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The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching For Bowe Bergdahl


Staff Sergeant Clayton Bowen, 29, of San Antonio, Texas, and*Private 1st*Class Morris Walker, 23, of Chapel Hill, N.C., were*killed*by a roadside bomb in Paktika province on Aug. 18, 2009, while trying to find Bergdahl. Like Bergdahl, they were part of the 4th*BCT from Fort Richardson, Alaska.


Staff Sergeant Kurt Curtiss, 27, of Murray, Utah,*died*Aug. 26 in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when he was shot while his unit was supporting Afghan security forces during an enemy attack. Like Bergdahl, Bowen and Walker, he was part of the 4th*BCT.


2nd Lieutenant Darryn Andrews, 34, of Dallas, Texas,*died*Sept. 4 in Paktika Province when enemy forces attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device and a rocket-propelled grenade. Like Bergdahl, Bowen, Walker and Curtiss, Andrews was part of the 4th*BCT.


Staff Sergeant Michael Murphrey, 25, of Snyder, Texas,*died*Sept. 6 in Paktika province after being wounded by an IED. Like Bergdahl, Bowen, Walker, Curtiss and Andrews, Murphrey was part of the 4thBCT.


On Sept. 4, 2009,*Private 1st*Class Matthew Martinek, 20, of DeKalb, Ill., was seriously wounded in Paktika province when Taliban forces attacked his vehicle with an improvided explosive device, a rocket-propelled grenade and small-arms fire.

Only the first one mentions dying during a search.


Special Hen
Jan 15, 2011
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I guess someone's gotta say it. What do you expect when you declare a war on "terrorism"? When your war on "terrorism" winds down, who do you exchange prisoners with, seeing how "terrorism" is a nameless, faceless entity with no home address? Here we've reaped what we've sowed. In order to ignore the Geneva Convention on POW's, we declared them "unlawful enemy combatants". That worked really well for as long as we wanted to commit international kidnapping, unlawful detention and torture. Now that we don't want to do that anymore, it's a little too restrictive. You know, it chafes and binds a bit...

So presto, changeo! They're no longer "unlawful enemy combatants"! They're enemy POW's so we can exchange prisoners (not hostages) with our suddenly lawful enemy. Except there's a few pesky details the administration forgot about, like the fact that the United States National Security Council lists the Taliban as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, and has since 2002. We also tend to not place $10M bounties on the leaders of legitimate enemy combatants. So now that we're done doing our "POW" swap, presto, changeo again! The Taliban is once again a FTO! You know, kind of like the Obamacare penalty wasn't a tax, but then suddenly it was?

Oh, and let's not forget that the Obama Administration has known since 2009 that Bergdahl was at best a deserter and at worst, a defector to the Taliban. Except that DoS propagandist Susan Rice is running around telling everyone that he "served with honor and distinction". Kinda like she told the world that Benghazi was because of a Youtube video with 12 hits worldwide?

Why is that old proverb running through my head? You know "Oh what a tangled web we weave..." :(

The Taliban was a state entity. They controlled Afghanistan under sharia law as the ruling government body.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Only the first one mentions dying during a search.

and not even a mention of the attack on COP Keating, which would have turned out differently if air assents had not been re allocated to finding this prick. Or, how about the sacrifices made capturing the the 5 who were traded away? Seriously, troll if you want, but do some research first.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The Taliban was a state entity. They controlled Afghanistan under sharia law as the ruling government body.

Then tell me why we didn't declare war on Afghanistan as a country, or the Taliban as the controlling government body? Also, they haven't been the state entity if Afghanistan since 2002. What would you call them in the 12 years since?

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