Oklahoma Shooters. I bid you farewell.

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Special Hen
Jun 3, 2022
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New here; but I've had a few remarks from Honey Badger on posts, & am sorry to hear he was offended by ( _____________ ). And as one of the few names I recognize, I'd prefer he not leave either.
I'll also not launch into a tirade to defend Catholics (as a group). They have done some atrocious things throughout History, as have most all large organized Religions. I know plenty of very narrow minded Catholics who go to Church regularly 9& then some0 but never seem to have any idea of how they got there, as a whole. They don't read history, or even the Bible...as it's all told/read to them from a pre-chosen program. It's more of a Social Club, gossip group, & a baking contest....at least it is in my Catholic family. They tried raising me that way...but I escaped.
Already being born into a Universe that I am a constituent of (a part of Everything); I feel no need to be part of a prescribed mindset,.... & also tend to shy away from candles, altars, & robes.
I do consider myself a Christian, but like Jesus Himself, I'm more 'Free Range' about how to go about it. He never had an office or address to 'adress' the crowds from, & I don't trust 'organized' anything...(even if they have huge organs with golden pipes 40' tall). Sooner than later: that kinda money & power always attracts 'certain elements'...who are often the largest organ donors.
I DO see how HB could get offended, however. I was going to chime in on a post about a Masonic ring (I have a big gold Scottish Rite band from the early 1870's, in perfect shape AND I located it's origins/owner)...but a couple of members got into a pi**in' contest over some B S...& I just 'passed' on commenting.
But if I ever REALLY want to get offended on OSA...they have a specific 'app' for that-
It's called 'Really, really, offensive jokes', (or some crap like that ;-)
Anyway, Honey- hope you stick around....even if only for REVENGE!!!!
I'm kidding; but in this fake, digital world (where many things are illusions)...I hate to see anyone get too upset. Just be amazed & try to be a good Christian (with or without a specified doctrine/creed/protocol).

All the Best, All the Time.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Hopefully everyone that wanted to speak their peace did, if you didn't feel free to start your own thread to discuss whatever applies in the appropriate sub-forum.
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