Oklahoma Teens shoot Australian Baseball player "because they were bored"

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Yes, let's blame the parents. Everyone who has parented a teen knows how easy it is to know what they are doing every minute of the day.
Yes. You see good parents with bad kids and you see bad parents with good kids. There's niether rhyme nor reason to it.

Who ever came up with the free will thing seriously threw the dice out wrong.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I think that's the point - several news outlets are reporting the story completely race-free which is more than annoying after race was the forefront issue in the Zimmerman/Martin case. I don't get too bent out of shape over it though - I'm never one to holler race-bating but even I'm sort of scratching my head over this one. It has the potential to be a real catalyst.

This could be good and bad though - attention to the problems we have here in the US are often doled out by what sounds better to the agenda of the news-agency reporting it (and it happens on both sides). Now we have an incident that one side doesn't want pushed for racial reasons, but is simultaneously foaming-at-the-mouth to push it from a gun-control standpoint.

They typically would have swept this one under the rug - in steps Australia to send it back up to the top of the flag-pole. Now how do you spin it when someone yanked the curtain out from in front of you? Do you continue with "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" or do you face facts and do something positive with it (solutions often start with admitting there's a problem in the first place).

The race side doesn't fit the agenda, but the gun does. I'd fully expect the gun to get all the press and the MSM will hide behind the minimally descriptive "teen" adjective throughout. They will never mention race, gang affiliation, prior criminal history or any other pertinent detail.

About the only thing I'd expect is a harsh crackdown on criminal youth activity in the area. You can't just go around killing 1st world foreigners without some sort of repercussion. :(

Try them as adults, and mete the sentences to the parents.

I think it would be a very interesting (and telling) social experiment for the judge to have special authority. Upon conviction and sentencing of these little turds, the family always wails and moans. At that moment in time, I'd like to see the court offer to allow the parent to take the place of the "teen" and serve out their full sentence in their place.

Just how many do you think would actually take the deal? :anyone:

It does in the sense that so many people are hollering about it (both the race-baiters, and the race-reeled-in-hook-line-and-sinker types - many of whom are here on OSA), yet it remains the elephant in the room that we as the United States ignore as a problem worthy of an actual serious solution as a whole.

I don't think the government should get involved in solving anymore problems (they've obviously done such a good job so far), but people can collectively act of their own free will without it being communism/socialism and I'd say we as a country are way past talking (like civilized adults) specifically about these racial hot-button issues.

More importantly, how do we stop/prevent this type of thing on the scale it's currently happening (as people, not as a forceful government)? Is education the key?

I don't know but while we keep just back-and-forthing with snide comments and slanted media reports, a lot of folks are 1.) being raised/not-raised under horrible circumstances, 2.) killing and/or being killed, or suffering/dying, and 3.) becoming a burden to us all one way or another.

The answer should be mob rule. The residents surrounding that little enclave of thuggery aren't rid of it just because these three are in jail. I'd guarantee you there are more of them. They should be persona non-grata in that community effective yesterday. No food, no gas, no work, no shelter, nothing. Perform an immediate course correction regarding your evil ways, GTFO, or cease to exist. Period.

All the police can do is come in after the fact and do cleanup on aisle three. It's the community itself that must stand up and be counted. Otherise, it's a perpetual problem that will never be solved. :(


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
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Crap. Several sites are already putting the anti-gun spin on it. I guess Chris and his girlfriend joked about the US' lax gun laws.

What do you want to bet, this gun was not a legally owned gun by the teens or their parents?

It is front page, above-the-fold news in AUS right now:



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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Yes, let's blame the parents. Everyone who has parented a teen knows how easy it is to know what they are doing every minute of the day.

If you did it right, they shouldn't be killing random people just for kicks. If they can't control themselves due to psychological problems, and you were an accountable parent, there should be a documentable trail of you trying to get them help and warning the community of the danger.

Any questions?

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
Here's a question - what if the parents are mentally unstable (because they were raised by mentally unstable parents)? What if a large part of society is basically mentally lacking in something necessary to raise kids, but are doing so anyways?

Then how do you fix that?

Serious question btw, and I'm not saying that's what the current situation is, but it's not too far from it and you basically start getting into human-rights when you dictate what they can do reproductively / within the walls of their house when raising kids.

What if parents just don't care - and in the cases where their criminal kids are caught, the parents are thrown into jail along with (or in lieu of - either way) the kids? Does that solve the problem?

IMO, it's a start, but not nearly a solution. Does that mean we don't really have a solution and things will just have to only get slightly better but basically remain the same?

Feet Dry

Special Hen
Feb 18, 2007
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Tulsa area
Anyone seen Al or Jesse? .....No? This was absolutely about race. These punks were bored and out to get even with whitey for jogging through their 'hood for Trayvon. All they know is what the media and Al and Jesse tell them. They are INDIVIDUALLY responsible. It's time to stop diverting blame to others....Parents, tv, I wasn't hugged enough.....BS. EVERYONE has an internal voice that would tell them what they did was wrong. They chose to ignore it, now we as a culture, should chose to plant them.

My upbringing is not important but I will say that I haven't killed anyone because of it.....
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