Question for Type 2 Diabetics

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Jun 25, 2009
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Insulin is produced by Pancreatic Beta cells.
Beta cells grow at only 1 time in your life: Birth to about 10 years old. After that, that's all the beta cells you will ever have for the rest of your life.

Given time (decades) beta cells die off, and your beta cell mass is less.
This is why a majority of T2D is in older people (after beta cell mass has naturally died off). Typically, T2D blood glucose problems (hyperglycemia) starts as you near 30% of your original beta cell mass.

T2D patients still produce insulin, but at much lower production levels. Most of the "loose weight, diet, and exercise" tactics are just a means to reduce your body's need for insulin.
"Lifestyle, diet, and exercise" definitely helps, but it's not a 'cure'. Rather - it's adjusting lifestyle for living within your reduced insulin production means.

HIGH blood glucose is toxic to beta cells, which can accelerate beta cell death (of what's left).
If not managed, T2D can lead to insulin-dependent diabetes, sometimes called Type 1.5 diabetes.

All this info, just to say - 'lifestyle, diet, and exercise ' does not address the root cause. But rather, living within your (insulin) means.

Note: Healthy people get T2D first, then the metabolic problems follows months/years later. It's not entirely their fault.

I've read hundreds of PubMed articles regarding Diabetes, but I'm still no expert. I'd be interested in any "root cause" discussion of what causes(?) T2D.
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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Insulin is produced by Pancreatic Beta cells.
Beta cells grow at only 1 time in your life: Birth to about 10 years old. After that, that's all the beta cells you will ever have for the rest of your life.

Given time (decades) beta cells die off, and your beta cell mass is less.
This is why a majority of T2D is in older people (after beta cell mass has naturally died off). Typically, T2D blood glucose problems (hyperglycemia) starts as you near 30% of your original beta cell mass.

T2D patients still produce insulin, but at much lower production levels. Most of the "loose weight, diet, and exercise" tactics are just a means to reduce your body's need for insulin. It's not a 'cure', but rather - adjusting lifestyle for living within your insulin production means.

HIGH blood glucose is toxic to beta cells, which can accelerate beta cell death (of what's left).
If not managed, T2D can lead to insulin-dependent diabetes, sometimes called Type 1.5 diabetes.

All this info, just to say - 'lifestyle, diet, and exercise ' is not the root cause. But rather, living within your (insulin) means.

Note: Healthy people get T2D first, then the metabolic problems follows months/years later.

I've done lots of reading PubMed articles, but I'm still no expert. I'd be interested in any "root cause" discussion of what causes(?) T2D.
You sure about that?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 25, 2009
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You sure about that?

Yes. Absolutely.

There is a distinct change in the intestinal microbiome diversity that preceeds diabetes, usually years before metabolic problems develop.
This applies to T1D and T2D.

In T1D, the point that autoimmune markers start is called "Seroconversion" (which is also associated with microbiome change) - both conditions preceeds T1D Metabolic disfunction, usually 1-3 years before T1D diagnosis.

T1D/T2D - there is a distinct microbiome difference between healthy / and Diabetic patients.

Findings like this is interesting clues that could infer "root cause" issues.

***Edit: I will soften my stance a little. I know the above is correct in regards to T1D. I am -mostly sure- the above is correct for T2D.

*Based on PubMed articles.
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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2021
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Insulin is produced by Pancreatic Beta cells.
Beta cells grow at only 1 time in your life: Birth to about 10 years old. After that, that's all the beta cells you will ever have for the rest of your life.

Given time (decades) beta cells die off, and your beta cell mass is less.
This is why a majority of T2D is in older people (after beta cell mass has naturally died off). Typically, T2D blood glucose problems (hyperglycemia) starts as you near 30% of your original beta cell mass.

T2D patients still produce insulin, but at much lower production levels. Most of the "loose weight, diet, and exercise" tactics are just a means to reduce your body's need for insulin.
"Lifestyle, diet, and exercise" definitely helps, but it's not a 'cure'. Rather - it's adjusting lifestyle for living within your reduced insulin production means.

HIGH blood glucose is toxic to beta cells, which can accelerate beta cell death (of what's left).
If not managed, T2D can lead to insulin-dependent diabetes, sometimes called Type 1.5 diabetes.

All this info, just to say - 'lifestyle, diet, and exercise ' is not the root cause. But rather, living within your (insulin) means.

Note: Healthy people get T2D first, then the metabolic problems follows months/years later. It's not entirely their fault.

I've read hundreds of PubMed articles regarding Diabetes, but I'm still no expert. I'd be interested in any "root cause" discussion of what causes(?) T2D.
After all the doctors who said Id have to have surgery for x,y,z, and going to a chiropractor and then lifting weights and completely disregarding the docs, I just dont trust MDs. Especially when they are weaker, scrawnier, and full of stress or obese. What we know is unhealthy stress leads to poor decisions and disease. Good stress, like the deadlift done properly, is beneficial for the ol muscular adaptation. The USA is the most overfed and malnourished group of humans on the planet. So in a general statement, thats the root physically. And I fully acknowledge that its impossible to have perfect health when we have food thats almost entirely manipulated by chemicals and such and we live on a planet that is full of crap. It appears to me that most efficient way to live is actually a lot tougher than the standard american comfortable way. Docs tell us dont eat too much red meat or animal fats, eat plenty of greens, take your vitamins, dont lift heavy, and if it hurts just dont do it. Then you get to 65 and get a list a mile long of medications so you can then develop more bs and take more meds. All while shoveling the greens and taking slow walks every other day and believing thats making you healthy. Ive been watching this cycle over and over and over with so many people it makes my brain cry.


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Aug 19, 2021
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Lamar, Oklahoma 74850
I have sores on my legs, not open sores, just spots that won't go away. Can anyone suggest a cream or lotion that would help me heal? Thanks.

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