Rancher in Nevada being harassed by the FEDS and confiscating his cattle

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Seems to me that right now would be the perfect time for Bundy to strike a deal with the BLM that cements his right to graze that land in perpetuity. It also seems to me that if the other ranchers have all been bought out, there should be plenty enough land to spread that 900 head out over the areas that are no longer being grazed? I'm sure some right leaning Congressmen could make that deal happen.

Of course that would put the BLM in a predicament. Seeing as how they're supposed to be clearing that land of all cattle and ranchers for Reid & Son the protection of the desert tortoise! :rolleyes2

I personally don't think he will ever be able to strike a deal. They backed off to win the war while loosing this battle.
I'm not sure the other ranchers were bought out per say.

They were forced out by loss of grazing lands. In Okla, we can run a cow per 2-3 acres on good pasture land. The ranchers in the NW states like Montana, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, etc, require a hundred acres per cow, and sometimes more. Its not unheard of to require 200 acres of pasture per head. Looking at the pics in the reports that have been posted, I'm guessing a high number of acres.

Ranching in the upper tier of states around the Rocky's have been suffering for years. Ted Turner is a great example of a person that has put more ranchers out of business than the BLM I suspect.

He comes In, buys land, builds multi-million dollar houses, which causes the property taxes to rise to the rate that ranchers that have been on the land historically before statehood, have to sell their property's, or loose them in bankruptcy.

The Green forces have us by the balls right now. How ever this turns out in Nevada, I praise them for standing up to the gubberment, and the support of the people in this.

IMHO, this could be the start of the revolution. It may not happen now, but the seed has been planted.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I personally don't think he will ever be able to strike a deal. They backed off to win the war while loosing this battle.
I'm not sure the other ranchers were bought out per say.

They were forced out by loss of grazing lands. In Okla, we can run a cow per 2-3 acres on good pasture land. The ranchers in the NW states like Montana, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, etc, require a hundred acres per cow, and sometimes more. Its not unheard of to require 200 acres of pasture per head. Looking at the pics in the reports that have been posted, I'm guessing a high number of acres.

Ranching in the upper tier of states around the Rocky's have been suffering for years. Ted Turner is a great example of a person that has put more ranchers out of business than the BLM I suspect.

He comes In, buys land, builds multi-million dollar houses, which causes the property taxes to rise to the rate that ranchers that have been on the land historically before statehood, have to sell their property's, or loose them in bankruptcy.

The Green forces have us by the balls right now. How ever this turns out in Nevada, I praise them for standing up to the gubberment, and the support of the people in this.

IMHO, this could be the start of the revolution. It may not happen now, but the seed has been planted.

From what I understand, the BLM took the grazing fees to "manage" the land, then passed onerous restrictions. Rather than using the fees to actually manage the land, they used them to buy out the grazing leases. With the restrictions set, it was either take the money or starve.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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From what I understand, the BLM took the grazing fees to "manage" the land, then passed onerous restrictions. Rather than using the fees to actually manage the land, they used them to buy out the grazing leases. With the restrictions set, it was either take the money or starve.

That is my understanding as well.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
You can't win against them unless you fight the system.

The courts have agenda's like anybody else. We "think" court systems are about enforcing the laws of the land, and render judgments fairly, but the majority enforce personal agenda's related to their personal political beliefs.

This case in Nevada is a prime example of politics making the laws, not common sense, or environmental sense. They used the environment to drive out the ranchers to enable them to install wind and solar farms that sound environmentally friendly, yet as we are finding out, contribute to environment disasters.

Google the Greater Prairie chicken debacle going on right now, and how many eagle have been killed by wind farms.

Thousands of other ranchers are going to be driven out of business if the Prairie Chicken becomes an endangered specie.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Why not Just give it back to the Shoshone and Paiute? The government has been stealing land from one party or another for as long as there has been a government. Does this guy get in under the wire because he's the latest white guy to claim ownership?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Why not Just give it back to the Shoshone and Paiute? The government has been stealing land from one party or another for as long as there has been a government. Does this guy get in under the wire because he's the latest white guy to claim ownership?

Dude, you're too smart for this. This isn't even about cattle grazing or turtles. It's about a federal government that's outta control. Next we won't be able to comment on here unless this forum is a designated "free speech site" by the federal government. Then they'll limit it to only 25 members. And guns? Well you know what they'll try to do about that especially after this incident. The picture of that guy on the bridge with his sniper rifle or whatever it was, that'll be their new poster child for gun control.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Dude, you're too smart for this. This isn't even about cattle grazing or turtles. It's about a federal government that's outta control. Next we won't be able to comment on here unless this forum is a designated "free speech site" by the federal government. Then they'll limit it to only 25 members. And guns? Well you know what they'll try to do about that especially after this incident. The picture of that guy on the bridge with his sniper rifle or whatever it was, that'll be their new poster child for gun control.
Well. I was asking a specific question. But "Dude the Feds are out of control..." When were they not? Why do we suddenly defend this opportunist's alleged rights? There were tons of people who were there before him. Just to be fair, and for the sake of argument, of course.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Well. I was asking a specific question. But "Dude the Feds are out of control..." When were they not? Why do we suddenly defend this opportunist's alleged rights? There were tons of people who were there before him. Just to be fair, and for the sake of argument, of course.

We defend his rights cause he stood up to the beast. Everyone else just rolled over and took it. I listened to some of his interviews on the news. I kinda wished he would have shut up. Almost sounded like he listened to Alex Jones too much. There's lots of other examples all over the country but not many gather this much attention. I think we should stand up all the time but if we don't hear about it how do we know?

Last summer the EPA put a tactical force together to check for violations of the Clean Water Act up by Chicken, Alaska. They used to send a guy with a couple of test tubes to take water samples. Now they tactical up with AR-15's.


In the summer of 2010 National Park Service Rangers took down a 70 year old man up on the Yukon river cause he wouldn't stop immediately in the middle of the river for a safety inspection. When did the National Park Service become the Coast Guard? It's outta control and I'm afraid it's all gonna end in a blood bath. Ima thinkin' about moving down to Hyder, Alaska. They don't even have a cop there. Not one.


Did I mention the sun is back up on a regular basis? You know we have two season here in Alaska, dark and light. We have now entered the season of light.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2012
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Edmond, OK
No one is saying this, but I will go ahead say it now. I am proud of how our federal officers handled themselves. They had people with guns (slung or not, and in some cases, aimed directly at them) and a lot of crazy, in-your-face people who were TRYING to get a reaction out of them, and they did not give into and go all Ruby Ridge on them, and for that, they have my respect.

I'm not sure that if I were in their shoes, in that situation, with things being the way that it was, that I would not have done it a different way.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Does this guy get in under the wire because he's the latest white guy to claim ownership?

No. There is a newer and more "refined" white guy who wants the land. This throwback to a different era is a dinosaur. If he don't move, he's gonna be the next oil patch in the desert.

No one is saying this, but I will go ahead say it now. I am proud of how our federal officers handled themselves. They had people with guns (slung or not, and in some cases, aimed directly at them) and a lot of crazy, in-your-face people who were TRYING to get a reaction out of them, and they did not give into and go all Ruby Ridge on them, and for that, they have my respect.

I'm not sure that if I were in their shoes, in that situation, with things being the way that it was, that I would not have done it a different way.

If it were me, I'd have packed up and left before there ever was a standoff. Let the "environmentalists" and hucksters looking to repurpose the land for some rich guys do their own dirty work! :(

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