Rand Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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While I don't trust any political type that much, Rubio just might have pulled his head out of his a$$.

"It wasn't very popular," Rubio said in reference to his failed attempt at immigration reform.

"We also have a legal immigration system that’s the most generous in the world. A million people a year come to this country legally, no other country even comes close to that, but it’s all based on whether or not you have a family member here. And it can’t continue to be based on family alone, it's got to to be based on some sort of merit and economic contribution," Rubio said.

"And yeah, you have 10 to 12 million people in this country, many of whom have lived here, some for longer than a decade, have not otherwise violated our laws other than the immigration laws, I get all that. But what I’ve learned is that you can’t even have a conversation about that until people believe and know - not just believe, but it has to be proven to them - that future illegal immigration will be controlled and brought under control."


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I don't give a crap if you have been here for 20 years. Your illegal and you need to go back to the country you came from and apply for legal citizenship.

Seniority in being an illegal alien holds no more water than any other crime, and there is no statute of limitations for illegal immigration on the books.

Get it right or be gone.


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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Sigh, another true believer. Paul stands NO chance because he would only carry the libertarians which is about 5% of the voters. Jeb Bush will probably do no better. Walker is Far from establishment. The only reason he gets talked about so much is because the left fears him. He has taken on the unions and won, turned his state around in only 4 years and won 3 elections in that time.

I agree with ALL the above but there is still more then enough time for walker to screw up or someone better to come along.

^^ This is mainstream media BS. Paul is one of the few Republicans that would get many Independent votes and could get a few Democrat votes. The media tries to paint him as some far right extremist to keep the partisan divide, when in reality he is common ground between the two parties by being socially liberal and finically conservative. Scaling back our military in foreign policy while stepping up our use of diplomats and intelligence, making issues like gay marriage and drug legalization states rights issues, while cutting taxes and scaling back regulatory over reach. How many other Republicans can earn praise from famous lefties like John Stewart or Bill Maher(who I can't stand btw).

As far as Scott Walker goes, he still hasn't clarified his position on many issues like immigration. He has already started to crack on some of the issues that separate his Christian base from the left. He won based on his opposition of public sector unions, great, but that is not going to win a national election.

SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
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Voting changes nothing especially in this day of electronic voting machines. Only fools think their vote actaully matters and makes a difference.


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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
View attachment 46255

Voting changes nothing especially in this day of electronic voting machines. Only fools think their vote actaully matters and makes a difference.

Putin hates Hilary...the Russians like dealing with Republicans much better.

Putin is conservative in his own way but our Democrats and Neo-cons just can't help but try to start a war with him...he is at war with ISIS and radical Islam himself; why do our leaders want trouble with this guy? Oh that's right, because we have to help prop up the Marxist European Union. I got news for all you people who tend toward your patriotism when the media throws Putin in your face; Putin isn't trying to take your guns or your M855 ammo, Putin isn't telling your 7yr old kid that two men kissing is normal, Putin isn't arming ISIS, Putin isn't telling you what to eat, Putin isn't setting up unconstitutional check points, Putin isn't trying to raise your taxes, etc, etc...Putin was dropped on you as a psy-op to trick you into supporting the McCain/0bama agenda. Wake up!


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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^^ This is mainstream media BS. Paul is one of the few Republicans that would get many Independent votes and could get a few Democrat votes. The media tries to paint him as some far right extremist to keep the partisan divide, when in reality he is common ground between the two parties by being socially liberal and finically conservative. Scaling back our military in foreign policy while stepping up our use of diplomats and intelligence, making issues like gay marriage and drug legalization states rights issues, while cutting taxes and scaling back regulatory over reach. How many other Republicans can earn praise from famous lefties like John Stewart or Bill Maher(who I can't stand btw).

As far as Scott Walker goes, he still hasn't clarified his position on many issues like immigration. He has already started to crack on some of the issues that separate his Christian base from the left. He won based on his opposition of public sector unions, great, but that is not going to win a national election.

Paul could get the votes of the young, uninformed, stoned, and libertarian voters and that is pretty much it. On a national level libertarian leaning candidates pull about 5% of the vote in elections and that is it. This is why libertarian leaning candidates hide under the GOP banner hoping that someday one will win the nomination and that the GOP base will turn out for them. That did not happen for RINOs McCain or Romney and would not happen for Paul either unless the Dem candidate was really, really bad. Hillary may qualify.

Walker on the other hand admitted he changed his mind on immigration just the other day and also admits to still deciding on many national issues which is why I say there is still time for him to screw up.


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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Paul could get the votes of the young, uninformed, stoned, and libertarian voters and that is pretty much it. On a national level libertarian leaning candidates pull about 5% of the vote in elections and that is it. This is why libertarian leaning candidates hide under the GOP banner hoping that someday one will win the nomination and that the GOP base will turn out for them. That did not happen for RINOs McCain or Romney and would not happen for Paul either unless the Dem candidate was really, really bad. Hillary may qualify.

Walker on the other hand admitted he changed his mind on immigration just the other day and also admits to still deciding on many national issues which is why I say there is still time for him to screw up.

In other words, only fools would vote for a libertarian? Where exactly do you disagree with Paul's policies? Most of the criticism he gets comes from the media throwing out words libertarian or isolationist, yet they never attack his positions directly. If the poll you cite includes the libertarian party then I would say it has no bearing on how Paul would do in a national election. Paul is the only Republican that is reaching out to minority communities right now, traveling to places like Furgeson, MO and meeting with major minority groups.

The reason that liberty leaning politicians often fly under the republican banner is because the republicans and democrats have a monopoly on politics in this country, even though the majority of people belong to neither party. The understanding between the two parties keeps us bickering about non critical issues while the same detrimental policies continue through both party's administrations. They have set up a system to prevent Independents from gaining power by controlling access to debates, save a few cases in the north east.

As for Scott Walker, again I ask how is he a valid candidate when he has failed to position himself on issues many people see as important.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I don't see anyone in the field who can beat Hilldog in the general, yet. :(

That's even worse commentary on the GOP than 2012. Incumbent Obama was a decent candidate. They were obviously going to have trouble with him.

The GOP should have no problem beating Hilary. If they lose to her, they should just give up. A Romeny-esque candidate could beat Hilary. I know that's not what OSA righties want, but it's the only type of candidate who could beat her handily and would be the GOP's best shot.

Hilary is a very weak candidate compared to Fresh Obama or Incumbent Obama. Thank god for the GOPs recent history of sucking so bad.


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Oct 9, 2012
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Paul could get the votes of the young, uninformed, stoned, and libertarian voters and that is pretty much it.

You know, you may be right. I'd be totally cool with losing the election, voting for Paul, and then tolerating rock-throwing and name-calling for four years. Being on the popular side does not make one right.

Being "electable" is a bulls*** reason to support anyone. Some folks would make a deal with the devil in order to get their party elected, rather than take a principled stand.

"But, Dad - everyone was doing it!"

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