Actually I see a different reason to reload their SD ammo. And they way they could practice with what they carry. And if if it makes it cheaper to shoot them to me that would make it a plus. I don't know anything about reloading but I would think you could make it just like any store bought ammo and not have to make it hotter . I am sure that is not every ones goal when they reload.I don't reload and most who do are reloading because they shoot a lot and/or for accuracy. I'd say use store bought ammo for SD and avoid the whole can of worms and keep on reloading your range ammo.
For as little as you shoot SD might as well spend a few extra bucks on commercially available stuff rather than spend thousands explaining to a jury of your peers why you chose to reload. I personally would have a REAL hard time understanding why anyone would reload SD ammo other than to make it hotter than what they could commercially buy. Does this mean you were trying harder to kill someone? Not necessarily, but I wouldn't want it to even be a point of discussion.