Tattoo Pain

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Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Really?? I got my nipples pierced and it really wasn't that big of a deal at the time. Once they healed they were ... Ahem ... Quite effective. 🥵🤣🤣




Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 14, 2021
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Yep. I'm about ready to get started on my legs. So far, for me, where the nerves branch out between the vertebrae, vertically across your back, has been the most problematic for me. And my guy says that and the top of the foot are the most painful spots given the way people react. By far the WORST though was when he was inking around a mole on my back. 🥵🥵

And I, too, fell asleep during my sessions.
I'm tat free but let me warn you about feet. I was in the ER for appendicitis and I have VERY deep veins. I usually get jabbed several times for a simple blood test. Well naturally I was in great pain and needed an IV for pain meds and the impending surgery. Well they stuck me FOURTEEN times and never hit a vein. I think they had everyone in the building give it a shot. The last try I think was the janitor. Finally they asked if they could stick my ankle. I was hurting pretty bad by then so I agreed. My son was there (USMC vet) and he started to giggle. I said what's so funny? He replied "we had to learn in first aid how to start IV's and if a guy has lost his arms you hafta use his ankle. We had to practice on each other. You're not gonna like it" Damn was he right! EXTREMELY painful and every time they checked the IV it hurt like hell. I never realized how sensitive the feet are. Next time they can put the damn thing in my jugular vein!

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