Because the valet always passes out behind the wheel of yer car in someone else's front yard?
I mean....Yeah, I suppose that definitely *would* be a reason to bring it to a screeching halt.
No because their is usually a gun in the car silly. . .
I can see it now now some schmuck that did felony time for 2 quarter sacks of weed and can only get a job parking cars, rolls across Brady and Main in my truck and some drunk plows into my vehicle, cops show up and the poor bastard gets tagged for felon in possession of a firearm and i get a charge of some sort for letting him have access to it.
Sounds preposterous I know but weirder things have been known to happen.
If I am going to the Brady I will probably be stopping into a bar somewhere to have a cocktail thus the reason the gun gets locked in the truck.