Thinking about what was normal growing up.

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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My generation was patriotic and God-fearing, I could literally go anywhere and be safe riding a bicycle. I could go in the bacjkyard of the shack where I lived and shoot literally any type of gun from .22 to 12 gauge -if I had a 30.06 I could have shot it also.
My friends and I walked in the street with guns in the crook of our arms and no one took a second look. Often, I would skip school and go hunting with my dog Duke. He looked forward to those events and it was seldom we'd come home without a rabbit which we'd cook and eat immediately, my dog and I. Today, what I did as a kid is impossible at least in the same neighborhood. Duke foraged for food as did I and I was thinking of him the other night and read where a German Shepherd costs around $100.00 per month for dry dog food and Duke found his food somewhere.
We had freedom and what we have today is a poor facsimile of what used to be, the country has changed, politics have changed and children are no longer safe today as I was in my childhood. Racial unrest wasn't even a societal mention.
Politicians today are overtly dishonest and seemingly proud of their anti-America "virtue." School teachers are not as trustworthy as when I was a child and in those days the male teachers wore suits and female teachers wore dresses as if they were going to church. And they had respect from the students, never was a hand raised toward any teacher by a student. And even today, the favorite teachers are spoken about almost reverently. Many were WWII veterans but never spoke of it but reading their obituaries we know them to be stalwart men of military honor.
Those days are now but a dream of what used to be and we can only hope for the best for the present generation and pray for a better future for all.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I'm a technology freak. Embrace it all.
If technology increases at the speed it has since I was in my 20's to 30 years from now, it will be mind boggling what the average human will be able to do.
The Jetsons will be old fashioned stuff by then.
The problem will be that the brain will be dumbed down by technology. No need to figure the tip on a restaurant bill as it will be auto calculated with your AI glasses and transported to the bill if you think OK.
The bill will not actually exist on paper. It will be virtual like all paperwork that no longer exists.
Keeping government out of your business will no longer exist either.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I can't imagine what 30 years will change to.
After Nov, 3 years may be unrecognizable.
Mad MAX could be reality at any point from 2027 and beyond. With the idiot greenies pushing, 30 years could be Little House on the Prairie. My grandkids telling their grandkids about having electric lights, air conditioning, motor cars, indoor plumbing, .......

I was in HS when 2001: Space Odyssey came out. We felt the future was possible. Mad MAX supposedly foretold of 2023. The date wasn't fathomable to us, yet here we are.
Vietnam was part of everyday life. We continued on.
Gas lines appeared to be the downfall of society and we trudged on.
Explosive inflation, yet we survived.
Things got better. Berlin Wall fell. Country and people were doing good.
A few bumps in the road. Y2K and it has been wild. Hopefully, then 10-20 years are somewhat prosperous. 30? I most likely will never see. I can only hope my grandkids, GREATgrands and their kids have a liveable World.
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