Three Men Arrested After Buying Gun At Gun Show In OKC

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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Also who says that just because you have a ccl you are still not a felon or mentaly competient or do not have a protective order against you?

Are you even serious? OBSI would revoke you immediately.

I can already buy and sell without restrictions. Most of the time I get a proceed in about 1 minute. However, bypassing NICS for handgun licensees would lessen the demand on that system and make things faster for everyone. One FFL I spoke to yesterday said he's pretty sure that 50-60% of his customers are handgun licensees, and that on a busy day this would help him considerably. Write the number of the HG license in the blank on the form and move on.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Get off my lawn.
As long as restrictions do affect you, you're ok with more restrictions. Some folks have government clearances and have been heavily vetted. Same clearance has been rumored to cause delays with NICS. They can wait the 5 days as long as felons are forced to buy guns in the parking lot instead of in the building.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
As long as restrictions do affect you, you're ok with more restrictions. Some folks have government clearances and have been heavily vetted. Same clearance has been rumored to cause delays with NICS. They can wait the 5 days as long as felons are forced to buy guns in the parking lot instead of in the building.

Those people would be very well served to apply for a VAF UPIN. I have one for this exact reason. Kept getting delays, and now I get instant proceeds.

Your comment about the parking lot is ridiculous and you know it. Unlicensed people selling private collections don't set up in the parking lot. Felons are coming to gun shows because it's easy for them to score a gun. Make it not easy and they stop coming.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2008
Reaction score
Get off my lawn.
Anyone that believes that laws can be enacted to prevent people from breaking other laws that are already enacted is a dimwitted fool.

Why don't we ban the ownership of tow straps to prevent people without a towing company to yank folks out of the snow. The current laws are not working. They are using the harbor freight tow strap loophole!! Plus, there is no pesky constitution protecting the right to own tow straps.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
Anyone that believes that laws can be enacted to prevent people from breaking other laws that are already enacted is a dimwitted fool.

Why don't we ban the ownership of tow straps to prevent people without a towing company to yank folks out of the snow. The current laws are not working. They are using the harbor freight tow strap loophole!! Plus, there is no pesky constitution protecting the right to own tow straps.

Crapp there's a Law about that? Were FiretrUCKed


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
How it it ridiculous? Please, educate me.

Look, I know that we will never stop criminals from getting guns. I also know that we cannot be held responsible in the eyes of the public for the underground black market. If someone breaks into a house to steal a legal gun, we don't blame the gun owner, we blame the criminal, and rightly so.

We (gun people) absolutely are held responsible for our collective behavior when it comes to gun shows and guns that WE sell to people. Do you not agree that it is harmful to our public image when a felon does something that makes the news, and it's reported that he got the gun at a gun show? It doesn't make you cringe a little, knowing that it just gave ammunition to the antis? Or cause people at work to ask you difficult questions?

If we don't tighten up our own ship, we will lose the ability to decide where the ship goes. If we can demonstrate that our gun shows are doing what needs to be done to keep felons from walking out the door with OUR guns, we might lose gun shows altogether. There are already states that have banned gunshows. I don't think Oklahoma ever will, but it's possible on a Federal level. All they would have to do is change one BATFE rule (not even a law) and FFLs could be made to go back to their brick and mortar stores to only do business there.

All the arguments I'm getting here are just saying "We aren't going to do anything unless we are forced, and then we will ***** about it." No court in the country is going to say that your 2nd is being violated so long as you can go to a gun store and buy a gun. As long as that venue is freely available to you, then they will rule that you have no case.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Nice redirection. It was a valid question. Feinstein wants to take our guns away. I just want to take away felons easy access to guns that we are providing.

It was a valid question in that it had a question mark at the end. Other than that it was snarkey and stupid. By accepting the premise that forcing gun show transactions to go through nics will prevent sales to felons you have become an accomplice to the idea that it will be enough to satisfy the Feinsteins of the country. Making conciliatory overtures to those kind of people gives them fuel to continue their assault on our rights.
What will be next? Make all firearms transactions everywhere go through nics, then all magazine sales, then all ammo sales?
I dont know why you think you are negotiating with people who are acting in good faith. They will want more and more because that is who they are.
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