To the person that ran over my dog....

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Thanks. Just want to say that I hope you had a day just as good as mine. I know you probably couldn't avoid hitting her, she could run like the wind and probably didn't even break stride darting into the street. But you see, my wife and 6 year old grand daughter were trying to catch her. They both witnessed it. They also got to see you just keep on driving down the road. The wife sent our grand daughter back home to tell me. I didn't know any of this is going on until she comes in crying and upset and said that Olivia (the dog) had got run over and wanted to know if we could make a grave. I said of course, and went out the garage to go help my wife, and wife is walking up the drive crying hysterically, carrying the dog, blood all over both. About that time grand daughter walks into the garage and sees this and goes ballistically hysterical now. So thanks for not stopping and offering a little compassion and saying it couldn't be avoided. It would have been understood. Thanks for trying to help. Like I said, I hope your day was just every bit as good as mine.

I'm sure this probably won't be seen by you, as most OSA'rs are pretty squared away folks. But just in case...:finger:


Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
That really sucks. I feel for you and your family.

I suppose I will disagree with the sentiment that they guy should have stopped. Fortunately, I have never ran over a dog yet, although I'm sure I probably will at some point. I'm not sure how I would have reacted if I did. How can you be certain that the driver saw your family there watching it? Even if he did, is it the best thing to stop? Perhaps the owner is crazy and would try to retaliate against you? Perhaps they just really don't want to talk to the guy who just killed their dog even if he's there to say sorry? This guy could be at home telling his wife how horrible his day was that he just ran over someone's dog and he feels awful about it. You just don't know.

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