To the person that ran over my dog....

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Special Hen
Oct 20, 2008
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Well if you cant drive any better than that especially at work...well maybe they need to find another job. BTW Shadowrider I feel for you and hope you can find another one to help ease the loss.

Sorry but you are way off. Ive ran over a dog while working. It came out of the woods in the country. Narrow two lane road plus close trees and brush on both sides and you cant do very much. I didnt see the dog until it was about 2 feet from my truck going 40mph. So what should I have done to drive better? I didnt even realize I ran over the dog until I saw it in my side mirrors, I couldn't even feel it and the dog was a great pyrenees. And by the way I am a dog owner and sorry for the op's situation. It sucks to lose a dog.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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Maybe the guy never saw the dog? No offense but it is a dog, yes we get attached to them, but at the end of the day they are still animals. My dad gave me some sound advice when I started driving, he said son, one day you may be in a situation driving where there is a animal in the road, there are people all around in you, in a split second you have to choose, the animals life or a the life of a person. Son that animal is going to lose everytime no matter what.
People say how much they love their dogs, then keep them fenced in, penned up or in the house, but when they run loose and they get hit by cars I cant blame the driver as much as I can the dogs owner. I dont think a guy should lose his job over that.

I figure if you're driving a schoolbus you shouldn't be speeding. Speeding may not account for the whole incident but it sure adds an extra heapin' of blame to the bus driver when there's blame to spare.

Lone Wolf '49

Special Hen
Jan 18, 2008
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Oklahoma City
I figure if you're driving a schoolbus you shouldn't be speeding. Speeding may not account for the whole incident but it sure adds an extra heapin' of blame to the bus driver when there's blame to spare.

Thank you, and I am at fault since I SUCK per you know who, and was not going to respond, But, I and I pray Elwood whatever his name is never read the post completely. I did not call the police, the neighbors did, BUT I did not once, NOT ONCE, ELWOOD, ask them to do so. They were so concerned because this particular bus driver had many complaints against him. Therefore, what else can I say, except that he or it was the final straw for that driver. thank you.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Thank you, and I am at fault since I SUCK per you know who, and was not going to respond, But, I and I pray Elwood whatever his name is never read the post completely. I did not call the police, the neighbors did, BUT I did not once, NOT ONCE, ELWOOD, ask them to do so. They were so concerned because this particular bus driver had many complaints against him. Therefore, what else can I say, except that he or it was the final straw for that driver. thank you.

Lonewolf, I know you and you know me, I hope you dont think I said or imply that you suck as a person, I would not think that. I am sorry you lost your pet, as I am for the OP.


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe the guy never saw the dog? No offense but it is a dog, yes we get attached to them, but at the end of the day they are still animals. My dad gave me some sound advice when I started driving, he said son, one day you may be in a situation driving where there is a animal in the road, there are people all around in you, in a split second you have to choose, the animals life or a the life of a person. Son that animal is going to lose everytime no matter what.
People say how much they love their dogs, then keep them fenced in, penned up or in the house, but when they run loose and they get hit by cars I cant blame the driver as much as I can the dogs owner. I dont think a guy should lose his job over that.
thank you 1shott...
as to lw,

you never mentioned other complaints like you are now(kind of curious what the complaints were) The final straw being you didn't keep your dog contained...I understand they do get away from time to time, that sucks and I'm sorry you went through that.
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