To the person that ran over my dog....

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Sep 21, 2011
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fantasy land
Depending on the size of the dog and the size of the car/truck, the person driving may not realize he hit anything. When I was 17, I owned what was known as a land yacht (76 olds 98), we had a little rat terrier that apparently got under the car and was sleeping. I backed over her head and didn't feel a thing, my parents showed up at the grocery store I was working at and informed me what had happened. I was in shock for probably 3 or 4 weeks.

I have also hit a dog that liked to chase tires, the only way I knew he tried to bite my tire and failed was the fact I seen him in the road in my rear view mirror. Yes, I turned around and knocked a few doors and found the owners.

And then there are stories like this...

Sorry for your loss, though.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I gotta go this way myself. I've lost dogs and I can imagine how terrible you all are feeling. I can also imagine the person that hit the dog feels pretty terrible about it to. I can see not wanting to stop. In that situation you're the bad guy no matter what when you run over a dog.

Yeah, I've never hit a dog...but I've came really close. I've thought about what I would do if I did, and I'm still not sure. A lot of people would be upset enough to throw hands at a time like that. I know I'm in no mood to talk to anyone after losing a dog. I'd feel awful and want to help, but I don't want to fist fight a crying, upset person on their front lawn.

Regardless, what a bummer. I lost a 15 year old dog last year that rode home on my lap as an 8 week old puppy. I cried like a little *****, shut my phone off, drove around aimlessly, parked in a field turn off and cried like a little ***** some more. Up to that day I hadn't cried since 2001, and when I think about that stupid mutt I still tear up. Dogs are one of few things that really, really get to me.

Lone Wolf '49

Special Hen
Jan 18, 2008
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Oklahoma City
I sincerely do know what it is like, but in my situation the neighbors did all the work for me because I was so upset and could do nothing but gather her up and the driver lost his job and then some over it after the neighbors called the police and all else. A speeding school bus was all. However, I wanted another one and did nothing but the next morning my wife said go find another. I got lucky and found Rory on a farm/ranch in southern OK. That was nine years ago on August 27th that I found Rory at ten weeks old.
Hope you get another very, very soon.


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
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I used to work out in the country and had dogs chase me all the time. I finally figured out how to stop and confuse them, when they start coming for me, I hit the brakes and slow to a crawl... it's pretty funny how they react. Still works


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
I sincerely do know what it is like, but in my situation the neighbors did all the work for me because I was so upset and could do nothing but gather her up and the driver lost his job and then some over it after the neighbors called the police and all else. A speeding school bus was all. However, I wanted another one and did nothing but the next morning my wife said go find another. I got lucky and found Rory on a farm/ranch in southern OK. That was nine years ago on August 27th that I found Rory at ten weeks old.
Hope you get another very, very soon.

A guy lost his job because you had a loose dog??? you suck..


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
A few months back I was pulling out of our new hood onto nw 122nd st and there was a Boston Terrier laying on the double yellow there. Looked like he was just laying there, no visibile trauma etc. I Drove by slowly and pulled to the side. Had my 7 year old in the truck with me. I walked up to the little guy and still could not tell what was up but there was the smallest puncture wound in his left upper quadrant. Very little blood. He was not breathing but was warm to the touch. No discernible heartbeat either. Carried him to the side of the road and as I am trying to help the dog in any way the owner stops at the outlet of our hood and has his kids in the truck with him and wife as well. Apparently the dog had literally just ran out of the house and into the street just before I pulled up. I gave him my floor mat to roll up the little guy in and he carried him away. Actually, now that I recall it was a female dog. Had a collar with name tag etc. Cute dog. No one stopped. I was pissed and it was not even my dog.

Now this is exactly what I would have done. Can't stand the thought of just leaving someone's pet in the road to be squashed into a grease spot. Besides, depending on the size of the dog it could be a pretty good hazard to someone on a bike.

It's really amazing how attached you get. I'm a big dog guy. GSD's, Lab's and Great Danes are just the coolest in my mind. But I have to admit that this little 6 1/2 pound Yorkie is probably the best dog I've had. Couldn't train her for anything, but she was the cutest, most playful and entertaining dog I've ever seen. Not big enough to tear anything up really except for the occasional roll of toilet paper and no trouble to have around, unlike a lot of others.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
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The bond between man and dog is something special. My mom lives in California and she called me a couple weeks ago to let me know that our poodle is probably going to die before Christmas and I might want to come say my last goodbyes. It sucks not being able to go out there bc of school and I dread getting that phone call soon.

Typing that just makes it all too real.

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