Because they NEED every $5 entry fee they can get. I don’t mean that in the same crappy sense as I’d refer to every other govt agency trying for a money grab. I don’t know the numbers, but I’d guess that every successful draw (regardless of hunt success) results in more entries. And ODWC actually needs it. Also from my understanding, they set harvest quotas at maximum. Meaning: if 100% of drawn applicants were 100% successful, the resource remains unburdened. So when there’s only a two Tom turkey tag allotment for four canyon preserve- they really dont expect a harvest. But if two turkeys are actually killed, the flock can maintain. I have no problem with that. For the price of admission ($5) I’d be pleased as punch to just go walk a new piece of ground with a gun in my hand not knowing what the possibiliies are. Im probably in the minority, but I think ODWC should charge more for entry-
$5 per species.