US preparing to launch cruise missile attack on Syria

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Looks like the Security Council is not authorizing a missle strike. We'll have to wait and see what Obama does.
Will he be an international outlaw bombing people who don't need it? Will he be a weak sister and Muslim lover who's afraid to bomb his Muslim brothers?

We'll just have to wait and see. Whatever he does will be wrong.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Looks like the Security Council is not authorizing a missle strike. We'll have to wait and see what Obama does.
Will he be an international outlaw bombing people who don't need it? Will he be a weak sister and Muslim lover who's afraid to bomb his Muslim brothers?

We'll just have to wait and see. Whatever he does will be wrong.

Thats what happens when your mouth writes checks...


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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As I've said before, I'm on Putin's side here. He is the only one acting with a somewhat cool head (other than offering to hand the Saudis their asses). Though he may have a checkered past, and is the leader of a nation typically at odds with the U.S., he's a no ******** individual, and I respect him - which is more than I can say for the absolute clown that is in charge of our nation.

As for Israel, they don't have to weigh in on it; they know they have a huge, powerful puppet to the west that will almost consider the good of Israel before they consider the good of their own people. I'm sure Tel Aviv and AIPAC have been working their magic in D.C., as usual.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
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Well just read this morning that Russian warships are deployed off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean Sea to deter any military intervention by the Western states in the Arab country.

Everyday we are inching closer to a epic blowout over there & Obama & team seem to be oblivious to it. And with the tone coming from Washington & their talking heads on TV, they are going to proceed without support from anyone else except those who already support this action. They could care less about Congress's approval, UN approval or American public approval. This won't end well. I agree with all the analysts saying if Obama thinks he will just drop a couple missiles & go home he is badly mistaken, this will instantly go from a "intervention" as they like to call it to a full scale War once those missiles launch. Syria, Iran & Russia will see this as a act of war on Syria, period. And if everyone keeps to what they have said they will do in response, it's gonna be the worst conflict of most our lives before it's over.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Looks like the Security Council is not authorizing a missile strike. We'll have to wait and see what Obama does.
Will he be an international outlaw bombing people who don't need it? Will he be a weak sister and Muslim lover who's afraid to bomb his Muslim brothers?

We'll just have to wait and see. Whatever he does will be wrong.

Spot on assessment. As the linked CTC Sentinel issue outlines, this is truly a "wicked problem". There is simply no good outcome on this one. We've been actively arming Salafi jihadists for a couple of years now. The "Arab Spring" is in reality, a Sunni uprising against Shi'a rule. That's a bit of an oversimplification, but in general it's accurate.

The Salafist Group for Call and Combat morphed into al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, which is based in Algeria. AQIM has been linked to Libya's Ansar al-Sharia, which is openly regarded as attacking the CIA compound for managing weapons after the Libyan "Arab Spring". Ansar al-Sharia is the group the U.S. helped to overthrow Gaddafi. Ansar al-Sharia is a Salafi, Sunni movement calling for Sharia Law in Libya. In one of the worst kept secrets of a Swiss cheese administration, Ansar al-Sharia leader Ahmed Abu Khattala has been indicted in a "sealed" indictment by DoJ. Khattala has been fully out in the open in Libya since the attack. Simply put, if we actually wanted him, we'd have him. If Khattala actually believed that the U.S. wanted him, he wouldn't be giving interviews to CNN.

Back to AQIM, we were told by Obama last September that "al Qaeda is on the run". This was right in the middle of the Benghazi cover up. Truth is, AQIM and affiliates were literally exploding in Algeria, Mali, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya. Why the deception? It all starts to coalesce in Syria. AQIM, Ansar al-Sharia, Jabhat al-Nusra and many smaller affiliates are now fighting Assad in Syria. Rumors even abound that Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has sent fighters to Syria. What do all these groups have in common? They are all al Qaeda affiliates and they are all Sunni.

Now consider these articles coming out today.

Obama is desperate to overthrow Assad. Whether he's foolish enough to risk an open war with Russia and Iran is really the only question left.

The pieces of the puzzle are all out there, open source. All you have to do is fit them together and a pretty clear picture comes into view. Yet the media isn't telling this story. The U.S. government isn't telling the story. McCain, who has been photographed with known terrorists in Syria lied yesterday in saying we aren't going to arm Jabhat al-Nusra. That's impossible, seeing as how al-Nusra and the FSA have effectively merged.

Further, McCain admits that alQaeda is fully resurgent in the region, yet he wants to arm them while pretending we're not. Simply put, we were dealing with Ansar al-Sharia in Libya to arm Syrian rebels. Everyone knows it, but no one is willing to admit it. I'm not sure what the State Dept. or CIA did to piss Khattala off enough to attack the Benghazi compound, but it wouldn't be the first time an illicit arms deal went bad.

What I don't see clearly yet is what the U.S. endgame in supporting Sunni Salafi uprisings in the region is going to net us. It certainly threatens the very existence of Israel. There must be something VERY big under the table that all these war mongers in DC want VERY badly. Our "opponents" in this fracas obviously see what's going on. Perhaps they haven't openly exposed it because they want the same prize? :(


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Well just read this morning that Russian warships are deployed off the Syrian coast in the Mediterranean Sea to deter any military intervention by the Western states in the Arab country.

Everyday we are inching closer to a epic blowout over there & Obama & team seem to be oblivious to it. And with the tone coming from Washington & their talking heads on TV, they are going to proceed without support from anyone else except those who already support this action. They could care less about Congress's approval, UN approval or American public approval. This won't end well. I agree with all the analysts saying if Obama thinks he will just drop a couple missiles & go home he is badly mistaken, this will instantly go from a "intervention" as they like to call it to a full scale War once those missiles launch. Syria, Iran & Russia will see this as a act of war on Syria, period. And if everyone keeps to what they have said they will do in response, it's gonna be the worst conflict of most our lives before it's over.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
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tilling subprep's cornfield
UK: Legal case for action in Syria clearly met

LONDON (AP) - Britain's government says the legal conditions have been clearly met for taking action against Syria for allegedly launching a chemical attack against its people.

Prime Minister David Cameron's office released two documents Thursday meant to bolster the case that chemical weapons were used by Syria. In addition to the legal summary, Downing Street released the Joint Intelligence Committee assessment that concludes it was "highly likely" that the regime was responsible for the chemical weapons attacks in a Damascus suburb on Aug. 21.

The committee says there was no credible intelligence to suggest the attack was faked by opposition forces.

UN weapons inspectors to leave Syria a day early

Ban Ki-moon has said the UN weapons inspectors investigating last week's suspected chemical weapons attack will leave Syria on Saturday, one day ahead of schedule.

The announcement deepened anticipation over imminent air strikes. Under an agreement with the Syrian government, the UN team had until the end of Sunday to complete their investigation.

If they leave a day early, they will not be able to carry out the three other site inspections from earlier suspected chemical attacks they had initially intended to complete.

The move is reminiscent of similar hasty departures of UN weapons inspectors from Iraq over a decade ago, after receiving a tip-off from western intelligence agencies that US air strikes against Saddam Hussein's regime were imminent.

Obama makes case for punishing Syria, delay looks likely

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama told Americans a military strike against Syria is in their interest, although there were signs on Thursday that any action will be delayed at least several days while the case is laid out to U.S. and British lawmakers.

Did Obama just blink?


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Glocktogo - thanks for your perspective on this; it's interesting info. I can't see what benefit we have in overthrowing Assad, other than our useless leader saving face trying to back up his big mouth. I'd rather not see any American lives be destroyed over the ego of a few idiots, thanks.

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