What demon critter is doing this to my yard?

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
All God’s creatures deserve to live. 😎

What happened to if you’re gonna shoot it you need to eat it?

Armadillo recipes?
Remove from shell, gut, wash out, fill gut with onion, spuds, carrots, bell peppers.
Dig hole in the yard start a big fire, Double wrap. Diller in foil, put on coals and cover with dirt.
Come back in about 6 hours, remove from pit, remove foil and shred the meat.
Nobody complained.
I was 14 years old in Beeville Tx when that took place.
No way in hail I would do that now.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Doesn’t work for me. We live in the country and there are no lights at night around our property. We don’t have any security lights. We have flood lights on the corners of the house we turn on for a few minutes a couple times a night just to look outside for varmits, but other than that———darkness. We still have armadillos. I have eliminated a total of twenty three so far this year.
My lawn looks like a moonscape with all the diller holes. I kill one every week or two by using our outdoor security pan cameras that constantly scan the perimeter of the house.
Suppressed .22 doesn’t wake up the wife. No neighbors here in the sticks to be bothered.

Kid Glock

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 2, 2005
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NE Okla.
Death to dillies...
Removing anything that supports their habitat (den, food, etc.) helps. The grubs (food source) should help relocate their digging. That can also help with mole/gopher control and eradication.
I've rarely used steel traps due to cottontails, neighbor's cats, etc.
That pretty much leaves live traps. The small acreage I'm on is close to town so may encounter most anything, both wild and domestic. As for wild, non-domestic critters, coons and possums (aka; raccoons and opossums) they get a bye. Skunks, dillies and due to their over-abundance, squirrels (tree rats) are on my hit list. I considered poison but due to it being non-selective, it's out.

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