As usual, this has become too polarized. Being FOR the elimination of funding for the OAC does not in any way equal being anti art education in public schools.
It's as bad as the libs saying if you are against the assault weapons ban then you want kids to be gunned down in school.
Someone please show me that the OAC directly impacts, in a cost effective manner, the art education that my kids get in public school...if you can do that, I might be swayed.
Here is the link to some of the things they provide to schools:
If you don't want to clikc the link:
Arts in Schools
How We Can Help
March 30, 2011
Arts education can play an important role in improving academic performance in Oklahoma. Studies show that students who have four years of high school arts education score higher on college entrance exams than students with little or no arts education. Arts education often improves performance in math and science, increases school attendance, promotes civic engagement, and decreases anti-social behavior.
The Oklahoma Arts Council seeks to improve education in Oklahoma by offering services and grants for programs that help students in Oklahoma schools reach their creative potential.
•We can help you with your grant application.
•We can help you develop your arts education program.
For grant-writing or program development assistance contact Michael Eddens, director of arts education programs at (405) 521-2023 or [email protected].
Grants from the Oklahoma Arts Council help students harness and develop their creativity and improve their education. Arts education gives students the tools they need to compete in a global and creative workforce. Grants for arts education in schools are listed below:
Capitol Art Travel Subsidies
Available to schools throughout the state, the program reimburses schools for transportation to the Oklahoma State Capitol where students can have an engaging educational experience in the arts. Students will learn about the art at the Capitol and the historical events and people depicted in the works. Parents and teachers can download a Capitol Art Field Trip Guide to accompany their visit.
Performing Arts Corps Grants
Schools statewide can bring in one of our four Performing Arts Corps artists for two workshops and a school-wide performance. The program is offered at a minimal cost and time commitment for the school. Workshops are intended for 4th and or 5th grade students.
Small Grant Support for Schools
All K-12 public and private, non-religious schools can apply for Small Grant Support for Schools to support eligible arts education programs. Individual schools are eligible for two grants of up to $2,500 per school year, with a cash match requirement equaling 10 percent of each project budget.
Arts in Alternative Education Grant (Closed)
Closed due to State Department of Eductaion budget cuts. Please see Small Grant Support for Schools for funding opportunities.
Arts in Education Grants
Nonprofit organizations can apply for funding to administer arts education programs in schools during normal school hours.
The OAC directly affects school art programs so that they can further education for children.