Wood Framing, Insulation and Moisture Barrier?

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Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
I'm normally pretty knowledgeable about building and construction even though I'm not in the trades or make a living off it. Do have a question for yall. We have a 12x16 insulated wood shed with power to it. Currently the interior has fiberglass batts but has no interior sheathing installed. Last year we put a dog door in the rear wall and on the backside of the shed we put in a 16x20 chain link dog run. Use this setup for our dogs when we have to be gone more than a couple hours. Now that we have the one 3.5 year old Boxer and now a 4 month old GSD puppy I need to upgrade/finish it out a bit. Don't want the puppy eating and getting into the insulation or chewing the wires in the wall. Plan is the sheet the interior of the shed.

Do I need to use visqueen or a moisture barrier between the insulation/studs and the interior sheathing? I have the space with a big AC unit to keep cool in the summer and a heater for cold weather. What would you do in this situation regarding the moisute barrier need? Thanks for the help.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
I wouldn't put a vapor barrier inside that space. Seems like you'd be asking for condensation issues.

Not to divert thread too much, but how's the GSD pup experience?
Thanks everyone for the replies. Fiberglass insulation is paper faced. Going to put up 7/16 OSB due to cost factor as it's only used at a bit of a storage for Holiday decor and a dog kennel with exterior dog run attached.

As for the GSD pup, Chief is great. 100% puppy 100% the time. He's almost 4 months and was 39#s at the Vet last Monday. About 75% house broken. Still some accidents but will go sit by the back door when has to do his thing. Odd thing is he loves the cold. Perfers to lay on the hard cold floor next to where the crappy weather seal on door lets air in on a hard North wind and two weeks ago would lay down on the ice in the yard at night when it was 3* outside. Obedience training is going OK and knows 3-4 commands. Having to back track a bit because we should have been using German commands. We are Boxer people but the GSD has been a great change. He has giant front legs and paws. Shockingly big but his dad was about 98#s and mom about 85#s.


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