I hear you about Craftsman quality and living in the middle of nowhere. About a week ago I needed a 2 1/16" deep socket for a spindle nut on my 72' Land Rover. I went to O'Reilly's, Auto Zone, Tractor Supply, and the local NAPA and nobody had one. I ended up parting a shallow well 3/4" drive socket into and welding a 2" spacer in-between the two pieces. All the automotive stores used to carry those stamped out 10 gauge and painted gray spindle sockets. I have a friend that has the biggest collection of SnapOn tools I know of. He said he has been paying SnapOn $100 a month for about 35 years. He steady buys it.The older craftsman, were made about 1000% better than they are today. Craftsman has gone steady down hill for the last 20 years.
From my perspective, I live in the middle of nowhere. If I break anything other than snap on, I am at least a two hour drive in any direction
to get it replaced. The snap on guy comes by my shop once a week. If I need him at other times, he lives here, I can go to his house
and get a tool replaced, or call him and meet him somewhere. Just like everything else in life the cheap stuff has its place of value, the
same as the name brand more expensive. I also have received a tool allowance once a month for 30 years, payed only to the snap man.
So for me, it is kind of a no brainer what I am going to buy. I do have alot of other stuff in my garage at home, works fine for what I do with
it. I also started out years ago, with alot of craftsman, and stanley, because could not afford better. Thats my 2 cents worth. I hope the op has
good luck finding tools. You might also try and look in pawn shops, can find some good deals in there. Good luck to you