Best restaurant for a date?

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Rich S

Special Hen
Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
It kind of depends..... if she's an eater.... you might want a great tasting place..... if she's not.... then you might just go with a place that has a great salad......

For a Cosy place I like the Service station. Its casual and the menu is pretty good.

My favorite stuff there is the Studebaker on an onion bun or a blackened chicken salad.

If you just want to show off and have great food, I'd do Yamato Steak house. Both of these are in Norman.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Lets see should we forget Hooters , Twin Peaks.

Ha! GC saw this, looked at me and said "Nightrips has really good nachos ... I hear"

We went to Hooters once. The waitress kept rubbing her boobs on the top of GC's head (I SWEAR!!). I don't know what was funnier ... her thinking that was gonna improve her tip or the look on his face when she did it ... or the look on his face when she did it a second time ... :pms2: Yeah ... no tip for that waitress ... :spitlaugh

Yeah, our dates (what few of them we had) tended to be less conventional (shooting, taking kids to the pool, etc.) so I got nuthin'. To the OP, where ever you guys wind up I hope it is a good time for you both!


Special Hen
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
McClain County
If a German themed deli/bakery sounds like your cup of tea, you might try Ingrid's Kitchen. It's inexpensive, casual, and has pretty decent food. I'm hooked on their smoked bratwurst and sauerkraut sandwich with swiss.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 7, 2009
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We went to Hooters once. The waitress kept rubbing her boobs on the top of GC's head (I SWEAR!!).

Location of this Hooters and the name of the waitress, please. I need to pay a visit so as to chastise her for such wanton behavior. Of course, I'll have to ask her to replicate the action so I can determine the degree of wantonness.

This reminds me of an incident that took place the first time several friends and I went to Twin Peaks for lunch. We were sitting in a booth, looking around, when I spotted a well-endowed waitress walking past with two salad plates. If you've never seen the salads at TP, trust me when I say they don't stint while heaping the plates with salad. The servings are enormous!

Anyway, as the waitress went past, I was agog at the dimensions of the salads. Without thinking, I blurted out to my friends: "Look at the size of those!"

After they'd regained their composure amidst their peals of laughter, one of my friends said, "You may want to elaborate on exactly what you're looking at..." :teehee:


Special Hen
Dec 23, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I have skimmed all 4 pages and noticed you guys have totally missed it! If you really want to impress a girl you don't take her out to eat! All that does is show off how much money you have...which the girls that are worth dating really don't care about. If you really want to impress a girl, cook for her! Learn how to cook a 3-4 course meal, it shows the girl that you have skills and are willing to spend time preparing something to make her happy. Set up a romantic environment, nice table cloth, candle light, nice dishes, etc...You'll thank me later! If you've ever met me you'll notice I am nothing special to look at and I don't have a lot of cash but I scored an absolutely beautiful wife (who has stayed with me for 16 years!) because a girl wants a guy that isn't trying to show off, they want someone who treats them like a goddess!

Even if you completely screw up she will know you tried! Besides, you can take her to one of the restaraunts mentioned above on your 2nd or 3rd date.

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