Civil War-Is it possible?

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Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
I am not a part of the PMAG rage. I did see some on Ebay for over $100 though, not kidding.

All I am doing currently is having fun thinking about the "what ifs" but I'd rather at least have entertained the idea of it than taken the "it wont happen to us" head in the sand approach.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Our next civil war will be due to socio-economic collapse. Balkanization is quite possible and America cannot sustain it's current course indefinitely. :(


Special Hen
Jul 5, 2010
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It almost seems as if the administration is trying to force an uprising with their overbearing laws, regulations, as well as the propaganda given on the mainstream media outlets. An uprising would give way to more loss of freedom and more tyranny.


Special Hen
May 17, 2009
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Oklahoma City
It almost seems as if the administration is trying to force an uprising with their overbearing laws, regulations, as well as the propaganda given on the mainstream media outlets. An uprising would give way to more loss of freedom and more tyranny.

Almost trying to force an uprising.... Hell yes they are. Everything this Manchurian candidate has done since he got in office has been part to tear down this country. Tear it down along racial lines, along social and economic lines. I don't want to get on this soap box, I wasted way too much time already thinking we
could take our country back. Oh well, can't control the urge...

Does anyone really thing John McCain was the best the Republican candidate they could offer up to run against him. Hmmm, almost like they wanted Obama to get elected. Same thing this last time, Romney, again is the best we can do? Where was the conversation in this past election about the real challenges we face. Neither party would touch the real issues we should have been discussing. I am done with this bull**** left / right paradigm. The Republican party is so far left itself my grandfather would not recognize it.

They have succeeded in keeping us fighting each other for the past 4 years rather than focusing on the real problems. So what is happening now, we are already talking about 2016. The "Physical Cliff", what a joke. We are so far gone, we went off the cliff in 2008 and we have been in free fall since then, its not the cliff but the wall we are about to hit that should be the conversation.

They are going to take us to yet another war. A war over protecting the Petro Dollar once again. They are loosing control now, there are already too many countries starting to trade oil in foreign currencies. We can't fight the whole world, we can't take on both Russia and China. No one wins in that kind of battle.

Could there be another civil war in this country, yes sir there sure could be. Whether its directed at the government, or it's a race war, or the have's vs the have not's, something is coming and coming soon. Our society is sick, I heard recently that 25% of the people in this country are on some form of mind controlling drug. Depression, Anxiety, you name it they have a pill for it. This recent shooting in Connecticut is just another example of a society on the edge.
What happens, God forbid, if something happens to disrupt the access for these people to their drugs?

We have what, 47M people now on food stamps. Electronic EBT cards putting groceries in their stomach. I watched the video's of the masses on Black Friday fighting over Chinese made junk. What happens when those EBT cards can't be funded or are turned off for what ever reason. How pleasant to you think those people will be when they are storming the grocery stores but there is nothing left on the shelf.

The government is printing digital money like it's going out of style. How long did the media talk about QE4, if it even came up. We are adding $85B a month to our debt, 85,000 million dollars a month, buying up the bad housing loans (From insolvent banks) and worthless government bonds, what happens when all those dollars come home. Our dollar is already worthless, compared to the purchasing power in 1913 before the Federal Reserve came along, our dollar today is worth a mere 1.2C. Hyperinflation in America, na, can't happen... can it?

Want to know why I am a prepper. it's s**t like that. Civil War, yes its coming. The government knows it is preparing too. I just hope we have more than the 15% of the population that are willing to fight this time. We have the guns, that's for sure. They are the last thing that stands between us and tyranny. :soapbox:


Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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I am still somewhat confident that there are enough pro-gun representatives and that the legislation the left comes up with will be so extreme that there is likely to be no legislation passed at all. On the other hand, the lack of legislation has never stopped this administration from just making law on it's own before. The courts also seem to be finally breaking in our favor. But with guys like Boehner in the house and Roberts in the Supreme Court, I'm not 100% sure on either.

I am still pretty sure that if they tried something that required the military to enforce that there would be a huge uprising in the military. Because if it gets to that point it will mean there had already been a huge uprising in the states themselves and the law enforcement agencies in those states. But I don't think it will ever come to that. I think the economic collapse of the US government will happen long before it ever comes to that, and there will be no one out there to bail us out. We are simply to big not to fail. And what happens after that is anyone's guess.


Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
I am still somewhat confident that there are enough pro-gun representatives and that the legislation the left comes up with will be so extreme that there is likely to be no legislation passed at all. On the other hand, the lack of legislation has never stopped this administration from just making law on it's own before. The courts also seem to be finally breaking in our favor. But with guys like Boehner in the house and Roberts in the Supreme Court, I'm not 100% sure on either.

I am still pretty sure that if they tried something that required the military to enforce that there would be a huge uprising in the military. Because if it gets to that point it will mean there had already been a huge uprising in the states themselves and the law enforcement agencies in those states. But I don't think it will ever come to that. I think the economic collapse of the US government will happen long before it ever comes to that, and there will be no one out there to bail us out. We are simply to big not to fail. And what happens after that is anyone's guess.

I dont know if it is good, or bad, to still see some of you with a glimmer of hope left.

The house is on FIRE, and we are being awaken and and told, HEY MAN!!! FIRE!!!!!!

They have all of our other freedoms crushed. Once they get the guns, they can do whatever they wish.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
I believe it is possible while not probable....I wonder why the new TV show "Last Resort" was dropped from programing...A Navy Sub Capitain took a position opposing the President....I do not believe it was cancelled due to low viewer count....the question I have is---will the government turn troops loose on American citizens---the answer is will either be killed or escorted to FEMA camps....just like the New Orleans folks...

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