Would you have shot?

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Oct 13, 2013
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I will use google translator to help me. I am not a troll, I am ethnic Chinese. In Vietnam we are maltreated. Please forgive me for writing in substandard lexica. If I shot angry motorist I would be deported with certainty to Vietnam. And with certitude I would realize incarceration in Chi Hoa.


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
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Here's something I've done at least a couple of times to aggressive drivers...if they're driving a company vehicle such as what Swamprat encountered...call their employer and report them.

If you don't want your cell number to appear on their caller ID, just in case the boss is friends with the driver, call from your work or find a pay phone.

Had a driver of a van that delivered home health care supplies tailgating drivers in all three lanes, so I placed a cell phone call.

About a minute later, his speed drops down to the speed limit, and he's the nicest driver in the world. :)

Had another 20-something with lots of hair gel in a dealership car driving on I-35 during icy conditions as if it were 95 degrees outside, and people having to slow and avoid him.

Bing...call to the dealership. :)

"Revenge is a dish best served cold."


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
wish i had a cell phone sometimes. but i do not.
I also am NOT a truck driver.
I chase parts for cars i fix and general fixing of peoples busted stuff and was on 24 hour call at the FAA warehouse on the
automation crew.
So all the bad stuff happens to my personal vehicles.
Once i had the wife and kids in my 280ZX going the speed limit on I40 well some redneck in a truck figured he did not like me doing that in the middle lane...as he was waiting for the guy in the fast lane to get out of the way..
As he went to pass me he smashed my windsheild with a beer bottle then hauled ass.
I gave chase for about a mile then thought what can i do .. Got home and called the police and gave the tag number
They asked if i seen his face.. NO i did not..
But i could identify his red hairy arm and freckles all over it and his middle finger...

THEY stated nothing they can do...
Well that crap of nothing they can do after 3-4 times of stupid crap makes me want to jack slap some people.
See how that works.
I even took care of some rentals for friends..One was a drug supply house.
Neighbors confronted me many times and asked if i knew...I did not till i got to unclog some drains and went inside.
Called the cops and stated what is in the house ..and how many children live there.
contacted my buddy also that owned the house..He knew what they were doing!!!!

Really and you drag me into this environment ...cops said nothing they can do..
It was section 8 .. i guess i should have called DHS.

I quit that project.
I have a daughter, i did not know this till she was 6.. yea yea.
Anyway mother was, still is, a shooter as in shoots up and does bad stuff.
I went to get my daughter early one day she was 6 then..watching her little sister who was 2 months old.
And who is in the house ..the boy friend who i researched was a child rapist from texas and was not to be left alone with children.

He ran through the house.. mother was not home.. i went across the street to use neighbors phone to call the Moore cops.
They show up the same time the mother pulls into the drive...with 6 sacks of groceries..
They find the boyfriend in the attic hiding.
mother stated she was gone 15 minutes....Right quick shopper and i have been here 20.

Cops did nothing...
See the sour taste i have in my mouth.

let me go on.
My dad beat me bad kicks and cuts to the head while you lay there (sisters told lies on me to make this happen i found out after 10 years of these weekly thrashings)
DHS and cops and school principals did nothing..
I was taken to school with blood covered face and clothes and nothing happened, His favorite move was grabbing me by the neck and choking me till i passed out. Then when i awake if i am crying then it is full on kicks to the head and body with his pointy cowboy boots..Mom and other relatives sit there and do nothing.
My older sister got caught by me telling the lies to my mom on the phone..She stated she had done it because it is funny to watch dad beat me up all the time...
yes that might have made me a bit mean...Got taken out of public schools and put in norman funny farm for outpatient for 1.5 years..6th grade area.
I was short 4foot 11 in the 9th grade..yes so bullies always want to pummel the little guys.
But i could take a hit...and i would pummel them and i would be the one in trouble.. and they start it.

I would just as well take matters into my own hands ..as the system is busted.
Did i beat my kids NO.
I was dealt a crappy hand and still hold that same set of cards.
Dad is dead now cancer...he had it coming..My mom should join him along with my sisters.
Sad but true...they are just people to me ..terrible bible thumpers southern baptist ..(sorry profiling my family)

Maybe i do have an attitude issue..i still think it is other people egging it on.

I think i will e mail my mom now.
As she has work she wants done on her rental house and i have debated for a week if i will do it or not.
Maybe i should charged 20x what i would have.
:) have a nice day i know i will :)


Jun 7, 2013
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The only thing that irritates me, is when somebody is sitting at a stop sign, and constantly waves their head back and forth for 30 seconds before venturing into the intersection. They could have crossed it, backed up to the original position, and went across again in that length of time. I say inside my head, "you dumb a$$! Go for it!

This is SOOO me! People need to go back to drivers ed and learn how to use a 4-way stop. Seems like no one knows how to use 'em. it's not as '4-way-everyone-wave-everyone-else-through' - sheesh. first to stop, first to go. three people stop at the same time, farthest right goes. it's not rocket surgery people. and for kripes sake, do NOT wave me through. I KNOW what I'm doing. Argh!!

Still wouldn't pull someone through a window and try to kick their butt though. Nothing worth getting THAT roweled up over.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
My 2 boys and my wife and daughter are tops in my book they are great.
The daughter has twins on the way!!!

I have had 6 foster kids ..not all at the same time,, I can feel their pain, so i feel i am a good candidate as is my wife.
2 were therapeutic foster kids ..That was a handful i will tell you,, stayed with us for 1 year.
We even got my wife's sister's children when DHS took them from her..
She is still ungrateful towards us....Drug addicts and always will be.

My son called from school and said DHS was taking his friend and sister.
We were like on an emergency foster family list and talked to DHS and kept them until everything got sorted out.
I like kids.
They should have the best chance you can give them .


Jan 8, 2013
Reaction score
My 2 boys and my wife and daughter are tops in my book they are great.
The daughter has twins on the way!!!

I have had 6 foster kids ..not all at the same time,, I can feel their pain, so i feel i am a good candidate as is my wife.
2 were therapeutic foster kids ..That was a handful i will tell you,, stayed with us for 1 year.
We even got my wife's sister's children when DHS took them from her..
She is still ungrateful towards us....Drug addicts and always will be.

My son called from school and said DHS was taking his friend and sister.
We were like on an emergency foster family list and talked to DHS and kept them until everything got sorted out.
I like kids.
They should have the best chance you can give them .

God bless both you and your wife, Swampratt. You're good people. I mean it.

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