58.5 cents a round ($703.44) shipped to my house? My God - it's at (pre-panic) 7.62x51 surplus levels now. Better hope Orange Man wins, and this all blows over.
Good heads up for those that need it, though. The way things are if you need it, you'd better grab it.
Thanks for posting. I'm sure someone will grab some.
I just gottta say these ammo prices are getting worse and worse. I'm just hoping that when we go to the polls all these new gun owners have really checked themselves and thought long and hard about the dire consequences facing all of us in this election if in fact we let mob rule win out.
Needless to say it's all inflated right now, I'm a price monitor of sorts, even psa's prices are up on "most" products.. When the elite shut the country down and workers don't produce you wait 4+ months for the freezer you already paid for.. https://www.wikiarms.com/group/223