Weird Sleep Stuff

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Oct 14, 2021
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I feel for you. I will refrain from my usual annoying posts dripping with sarcasm. I have experienced sleep paralysis many times, it's AWFUL and TERRIFYING! Thankfully mine has always been very brief and what works for me is to concentrate on trying to wiggle just one finger. Eventually I always achieve that after much effort, then as soon as I can wiggle one finger I focus on a hard shake or jerk of my entire body, like a big shot of adrenaline. Sometimes it takes a couple tries to achieve but I always get there. It's critical that when I jolt myself awake I get up and get a drink or take a whiz to completely awaken. If I just roll over I go right back to sleep and often right back into paralysis. All this doesn't sound like it would help you because yours is so bad. It might help others who suffer a milder version however.
As to the pain killers, I have 2 jacked up discs in my neck and 2 in my lumbar area. I was on heavy duty opioids for about 3 years. They are effing poisen brother! I know when the pain is so severe you cry, and when you can't sleep for days on end you start to almost lose your mind, but I'd hafta be damn near dying to ever take them again! Quitting them is a hideous torture. I thought quitting cigs was rough but by comparison it's a walk in the park. I laid awake screaming for days until I got over the hump. Without my poor wife's help I couldn't have made it. Anyone who has never taken opioids please, PLEASE never start on them unless it's life or death! At first they induce a euphoria that puts the pain out of your mind but QUICKLY the relief lessens and after several days you need them just to feel somewhat "normal" and then after a few weeks if you try to back off them it becomes a living hell. Your tolerance keeps building and you need more and MORE. Brett Farve was taking 45 a DAY! A human liver wasn't meant to work that hard. This warning probably won't help you because you sound like you really have it rough, but it might warn someone else. My wife and I will pray for you tonight. God Bless you.

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