Underdog, your points are exactly why some of us decided to step up and meet with the ORA and ask the same questions you are asking. I think we reported on their responses already. They understand their technological shortcomings and are working to improve them. They even expressed that they think that those of us who are members of both ORA and OSA will be a big help with this. We did not get into who runs theur actual website, etc... but I would certainly think that if you have the skills with press releases, etc, that becoming a member and volunteering to help with this facet would be a great contribution to the 2A cause. Much moreso than continuing to complain about it. I'm not flaming you, as I have had the same complaints. I just decided to do what I can to support them, as like you said, they have the NRA affiliation and clout to be our best friend with the legislature. So join up, and let's see how we can further help, other than continuing to keep OSA updated. Thanks OKShooter for your effort here!