I've seen a number of those books - and a lot of them are chock full of total ********.
But people will believe what they want to believe.
It’s an absolutely legit reference. I’m guessing you’ve never been in the middle of nowhere and had a medical emergency arise and folks were looking at you expecting you to do something. I’ve been there. A seven hour drive over soggy tundra to get back to civilization. No radio connections. Satellite phones and cell phones had not been invented. You gotta do something. I did.
We aren’t talking about practicing medicine cause you’re too cheap to go to a real doctor. This is dealing with medical emergencies when there is either a breakdown in the system or when you have no access to the system.
Knowledge is power. If you wanna survive a breakdown in the system then you need to change your corporate mindset and prepare for that.
All kinds of training exists to prepare you for that possibility.