ATF to reclassify AR and AK pistols as AOW’s!!!

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Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
I stand by my comment that the NRA was trashed before the fact this was breaking news and needed to respond in kind about the GOA which I think doesn't have as much stroke legislatively.
The definition of what constitutes a "gun" be it SBR or Brace pistol has always been up for discussion. One official in a meeting determines the slide fire accessory is legal, and after a mass killing determines the same item is not legal doesn't set well with me, but I realize its a government agency with many departments, some almost autonomous. The autocrats that determined this are not subject to public voters to remove them from office for bad laws. They are free to legislate by their personal opinions along with those that work under them.
Civil servants that are almost impossible to fire, but the swamp is deep and the swamp will always defend their own.
I believe this issue will have to work it's way through the court system
None of that is the point

The NRA said it was ok with a Bump Stock ban. The GOA was not and fought it.

Agree that GOA doesn't have the clout that the NRA has but then again thats because people keep giving to the NRA to have their rights continuously chipped away. The GOA makes no compromises when they fight. Give them your money and they will fight more on your behalf

Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
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Ponca City
The real problem lies with the so called “you tubers”! These asshats have taken to shouldering the AR pistol constantly in their videos. There have even been some who have professed the logic of building an AR pistol and using it in the same capacity as an SBR WITHOUT having to pay the tax stamp. Meanwhile..... the ATF has been kicking back taking notes, just waiting till enough people ran out and did that very thing. If people would have used the tiniest bit of common sense they would Have figured out that eventually the .gov was going to come after the platform. But did they? Do they? Negative ghost rider!!

Honey Badger

Special Hen
Oct 28, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City
At the end of the day.... IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE FIREARMS...... all you do is pull the brace off and shoot it with the tube. Like the good old days.

I still say this ain’t gonna happen though. There will be too much opposition from 2A friendly groups.
Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
At the end of the day.... IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE FIREARMS...... all you do is pull the brace off and shoot it with the tube. Like the good old days.

I still say this ain’t gonna happen though. There will be too much opposition from 2A friendly groups.
If Biden wins. its guaranteed to happen
Mar 2, 2009
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Tulsa, OK
Where is GOA on this issue?
Like any responsible national organization, they had to wait for the business day, compose a suitable media release, get it approved and post it. Here it is:

October 27, 2020
For immediate release

ATF’s ‘October Surprise’ to Undermine POTUS:
Rogue, Secret ATF Interpretations of Pistols Seek to Undermine President Trump and Criminalize Gun Owners​

“By disregarding orders to stand down, rogue ATF agents seem prepared to help usher in a Joe Biden Administration, especially because their actions appear to be purposefully timed to anger President Trump’s base immediately before an election.” — GOA’s Erich Pratt

Springfield, VA – In an apparent reversal of a longstanding interpretation of the statutory and regulatory definition of “handguns” under the Gun Control Act (GCA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) appears to have determined that certain handguns which fire ammunition that is traditionally used in rifles – or handguns made from receivers that have also been used to produce rifles (including many of the AR or AK variant) – are not eligible for importation.

The agency appears to have determined this by using novel and restrictive standards in a revised importation test, which is arbitrarily used to evaluate whether a weapon meets the statutory “sporting purposes” requirement. Congress has never defined what “sporting purposes” means.

The ATF also apparently suggested that legally-imported firearms “may wrongly have been approved for importation” and that these “firearms may require reevaluation.”

While the scope of this suggested “reevaluation” is not clear, if the GCA interpretation is applied for purposes of domestic firearms, then such weapons could meet the National Firearms Act (NFA) definition of “Any Other Weapon (AOW).” If certain firearms were determined to be AOWs, the firearms would be subjected to mandatory registration, taxation, travel restrictions and a lengthy post-purchase, pre-delivery waiting period. Gun owners would then be subject to criminal prosecution for possession of an unregistered NFA weapon, a charge that carries a punishment of up to ten years of imprisonment and fines that can be as high as $250,000.

“Despite an executive action from President Trump prohibiting the imposition of ‘new standards’ without express authorization by law, the apparent interpretation by a rogue and reckless ATF has implications that could criminalize millions of otherwise non-violent and law-abiding gun owners,” Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President, for Gun Owners of America (GOA) said. “This continues to demonstrate why the National Firearms Act should be repealed and the agency itself should be fully dismantled.

“It also demonstrates why President Trump recently issued an Executive Order creating a new classification of ‘Schedule F’ employees. This new classification allows the President to ‘drain the swamp’ by firing policy-making employees who would rather go rogue than follow the law.

“The recent Honey Badger gun ban and revelation of absurd private classification rulings represents a pro-Biden ‘October Surprise’ by an out-of-control, anti-gun ATF. By disregarding orders to stand down, rogue ATF agents seem prepared to help usher in a Joe Biden Administration, especially because their actions appear to be purposefully timed to anger President Trump’s base immediately before an election.

“ATF’s actions are just a taste of what is to come in Joe Biden’s gun controlled-America. The Biden gun control plan seeks to treat many commonly-owned, semi-automatic rifles as NFA weapons, which endangers the freedom of tens of millions of peaceful individuals who own these guns, possession in and of itself should not be a crime,” Pratt concluded.

Erich Pratt, or another GOA spokesperson, is available for interviews. Gun Owners of America, and its sister organization Gun Owners Foundation, are nonprofits dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.

— GOA —​


Special Hen
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I have some of these just cause they were cheap can a AR pistol be converted to a rifle or is the option to just change buffer tube out.

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