Id like to believe the NRA and some 2A friendly organizations will step up to the plate soon. I could be wrong though.
The NRA? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Id like to believe the NRA and some 2A friendly organizations will step up to the plate soon. I could be wrong though.
AR pistol? What AR pistol?
None of that is the pointI stand by my comment that the NRA was trashed before the fact this was breaking news and needed to respond in kind about the GOA which I think doesn't have as much stroke legislatively.
The definition of what constitutes a "gun" be it SBR or Brace pistol has always been up for discussion. One official in a meeting determines the slide fire accessory is legal, and after a mass killing determines the same item is not legal doesn't set well with me, but I realize its a government agency with many departments, some almost autonomous. The autocrats that determined this are not subject to public voters to remove them from office for bad laws. They are free to legislate by their personal opinions along with those that work under them.
Civil servants that are almost impossible to fire, but the swamp is deep and the swamp will always defend their own.
I believe this issue will have to work it's way through the court system
If Biden wins. its guaranteed to happenAt the end of the day.... IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE FIREARMS...... all you do is pull the brace off and shoot it with the tube. Like the good old days.
I still say this ain’t gonna happen though. There will be too much opposition from 2A friendly groups.
If Biden wins. its guaranteed to happen
Its hard to tell with the polls. Things were like this with Hillary but that might not happen againI’m hoping like hell that doesn’t happen!
Like any responsible national organization, they had to wait for the business day, compose a suitable media release, get it approved and post it. Here it is:Where is GOA on this issue?