Good thing you were just killing time. That guy is what i like to call a boy, not man. Relationships require this little thing called compramise. lol. Not only that, but if you like someone, or love, you should be interested in doing what they like to do.
Yep. He was the only guy I ever dated who was older than me. Yeah ...
I never was the type of girl who wanted to spend the time to develop a relationship. So I was good for about 8 to 12 months and then it was time to move on.
Still trying to figure out how I wound up married to a JBT ...
Maintaining a relationship is hard work, regardless of whether you are the gal or the guy. And when you are young like these two it is even harder, I think.
I gotta give these two kids (Perrone and his girl) props for trying. Lots of kids their ages would just give up. I'm praying for them. And if you aren't into that, crossing your fingers wouldn't hurt.