Camping out in the passing lane!!

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Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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It's simple. Get off thier tail. Just like flashing flights and honking at left lane campers to get the F outta the way. Brake checking is just a reminder to you to BACK THE F OFF!! If I can't see your front bumper when your behind I darn sure will brake check you. Maybe your texting on your Iphone or something and just need a visual reminder. If that doesn't work and we are on a two lane road with no shoulder I will gradually come to a stop and allow you to pass me. Tailgaters are just freaking morons who in most cases shouldn't even have a license.

Did your parents have any children that lived?


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
J.P> said:
Yeah, well I don't take lightly to some goober risking my life because he is too stupid to understand that blocking my pass (nosegaiting) risks not only him but me.

How about the tailgater being too stupid to follow at a safe distance. Works both ways.

The difference is the tailgater is driving aggressiviely. It is the tailgater that initiates the confrontation.

While the brake checker is taking an active defensive approach.

Both are practicing an illegal driving technique to be sure. But society generally looks with disavor on an aggressor.

Your turn...

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
How about the tailgater being too stupid to follow at a safe distance. Works both ways.

The difference is the tailgater is driving aggressiviely. It is the tailgater that initiates the confrontation.

While the brake checker is taking an active defensive approach.
Both are practicing an illegal driving technique to be sure. But society generally looks with disavor on an aggressor.

Your turn...

oxymoron much?


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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My turn?
Okay, but first I'd appreciate it if you could extend me the courtesy of explaining this one:
(in red)
Call it what you will but no matter how you say it you've just proclaimed to the world that you are nothing more than a bully who must have his way and gets it thru aggressive driving. Most boys grow out of that when they become men. Seems as though that some do not.
When/where did I proclaim anything of the sort, and further, affirm the notion that I am in any way an "aggressive" driver?
Golly, I thought I was offering a rather senseable solution to the matter....
One guy courteously yields to the other guy needing thru', and the other guy doesn't tailgait.
I mean, I *thought* that was my intention, and as I go back and read it I am at a loss to see how trying to make "everyone happy" is even mildly characteristic behavior of a "bully"...

While the brake checker is taking an active defensive approach.
In reality the "brake checker" is indeed himself taking an offensive approach.
The difference is the tailgater is driving aggressiviely. It is the tailgater that initiates the confrontation.
While that appears to be your opinion and certainly one way to look at it, an argument could very easily be made to show that the "nosegaiter" is in fact the initiator...and that the "nosegaiter" is driving passive/aggressively. (considering both have shown to be true in some cases)

Aggressively and/or intentionally blocking someone who needs thru' is definitely indicative of "bullying" behavior.

But before we get into any of that perhaps you could define...for me...exactly what constitutes an "aggressive driver".
Considering the varying degrees/definitions folks are likely to have, clearing that up for me by stating your personal definition would help me in any further explanation...You know, so I know where you're coming from....and whether or not you are unreasonably overboard.


Special Hen
Jan 20, 2006
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Mile-High City
One of the items we learned in defensive driver training was that you can't control the space behind you or on either side, only in front. If someone dives in front of me and eats up my safe following distance, it's up to me to back out of it in order to get back that safe interval.
Another tip regarding dealing with aggressive drivers who wanted to keep screwing with you on the interstate was to disengage by exiting as soon as you could find a place, even an off-ramp. I'm sure many of you remember the well-publicized incidents of crap getting started between 2 drivers that ends with gunfire.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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But before we get into any of that perhaps you could define...for me...exactly what constitutes an "aggressive driver".

If a driver pulls up on the rear of another car at speeds in excess of 60 MPH and is too close (less than 2 car lengths) that is aggressive. If you can pass on the left and choose not too and instead choose to run up the rear of the car ahead that is aggressive. If on a 2 lane road just pass on the left when the opportunity arises. Unless you've got some kind of emergency going on where its life or death pushing the edge of the envelope to get by a vehicle you think is blocking you is aggressive.

oxymoron much?

Now I know you have no clue.

Active defense is not an oxymoron. The military teaches active defense doctrine and has for years.

I'll put it in terms you can understand though.

If someone breaks into your home you don't wait for them to pull their gun and take a shot. You shoot them with yours before they have a chance to do you harm.

Since you will probably have trouble figuring out who the aggressor is and who the active defender is I'll make it even more simple; the guy who breaks in is the aggressor or tailgater. The guy who pre-emptively shoots is the tailgatee or active defender.

Or you could just run away - that would be a passive defense and what you seem to believe is the proper course of action for one being tailgated. If you think passive defense (e.g. move over) is the best course of action when confronted with a lethal threat then I suggest you move somewhere like Massachusetts. Lots of passive defenders there.

That said: Welcome to my ignore list. Corresponding with a brick wall is not one of those activities that is terribly enlightening and is generally a waste of time.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Now I know you have no clue.

Active defense is not an oxymoron. The military teaches active defense doctrine and has for years.

I'll put it in terms you can understand though.

If someone breaks into your home you don't wait for them to pull their gun and take a shot. You shoot them with yours before they have a chance to do you harm.

Sense you won't get it the guy who breaks in is the aggressor or tail gater. You are the tailgatee or active defender.

Or you could just run away - that would be a passive defense. If you think passive defense (e.g. move over) then I suggest you move somewhere like Massachusetts. Lots of passive defenders there.

You really find it important to control others on the road, huh? You should see a therapist about that.

"Active defense" my arse, a brake check is nothing more than an act of road rage.

It's comforting to know that someone with rage issues owns firearms, you're not a postal employee are you?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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If a driver pulls up on the rear of another car at speeds in excess of 60 MPH and is too close (less than 2 car lengths) that is aggressive. If you can pass on the left and choose not too and instead choose to run up the rear of the car ahead that is aggressive. If on a 2 lane road just pass on the left when the opportunity arises. Unless you've got some kind of emergency going on where its life or death pushing the edge of the envelope to get by a vehicle you think is blocking you is aggressive.

Now I know you have no clue.

Active defense is not an oxymoron. The military teaches active defense doctrine and has for years.

I'll put it in terms you can understand though.

If someone breaks into your home you don't wait for them to pull their gun and take a shot. You shoot them with yours before they have a chance to do you harm.

Since you will probably have trouble figuring out who the aggressor is and who the active defender is I'll make it even more simple; the guy who breaks in is the aggressor or tailgater. The guy who pre-emptively shoots is the tailgatee or active defender.

Or you could just run away - that would be a passive defense and what you seem to believe is the proper course of action for one being tailgated. If you think passive defense (e.g. move over) is the best course of action when confronted with a lethal threat then I suggest you move somewhere like Massachusetts. Lots of passive defenders there.

That said: Welcome to my ignore list. Corresponding with a brick wall is not one of those activities that is terribly enlightening and is generally a waste of time.

By your own twisted logic, you're essentially saying that it's ok for you to actively cause a wreck in order to defend against someone else potentially causing a wreck.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Oh, and by the way, brake checking is still illegal. Try doing it on a patrol car next time and let us know how that works out for you. :(


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
If a driver pulls up on the rear of another car at speeds in excess of 60 MPH and is too close (less than 2 car lengths) that is aggressive.
What if a driver pulls up on the rear of another car and is not "too close" and the car ahead doesn't move outta' the way?
What, in your opinion, would be the appropriate way to alert the car ahead to their presence?

Unless you've got some kind of emergency going on where its life or death pushing the edge of the envelope to get by a vehicle you think is blocking you is aggressive.
Personally I cannot get into the mind of every driver on the road and therefore cannot determine whether or not they are indeed in an "emergency" situation.
I figure if they are in a hurry for some reason that's good enough for me and I'll move to the right and let 'em hard feelings.....but then again I try not to frustrate any other drivers either by "nosegaiting" or "tailgaiting"

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