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Gill-Gun Guru
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Aug 1, 2014
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OKC / Bristow
I'll see your "cheap" and raise (lower?) you "Saturday Night Special"

The Raven P-25 / MP-25.

Are they ergonomic? - Hell no! It's like trying to hold onto an oiled piglet when you fire.
Are they accurate? - Maybe at 3 yrds.
Do they have stopping power? - It's 25 ACP, shot placement blah blah blah.
Do they at least have capacity? - As long as you never need more than 6 shots.
Are they quality made? - Made from only the cheapest materials available.

But you know what? I keep em clean and oiled, and with the 6 different examples I've had, they always go bang.
Nov 3, 2010
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yukon ok
The Raven P-25 / MP-25.
I did have one of those.
Bought a Datsun Z car from Arrow Wrecker at one of their impound auctions.
I strip the interiors of cars from auctions.

Found one of those rusted to the carpet under the driver seat.
I cleaned up all the rust and made the slide finally move and oiled it up and by golly it fired ammo when i pulled the trigger every time.

Can't say that for my Taurus PT 1911.
Jam O Matic.
I fixed it though.
Seems Browning added a Chamfer on the top of the chamber in the barrel called the Top Hat area.
My Taurus did not have a chamfer there.
The edge of the 45acp case would catch it there even with a little crimp.

I refused to add a lot of crimp as I shoot soft cast lead and that just messes up accuracy.

I despise the 1911 and how it will set a bullet back into the case when it is chambered.
Heck of an angle for that bullet to turn to get into the chamber.
my Hipoints do not have that steep angle issue and my ammo stays the same OAL after chambering.

Is anyone going to fix that 1911 issue or do manufacturers just like to copy cat every one.
Seems making ammo for the 1911 you can toss OAL out the window as it is not going to stay where you set it.
At least for my testing and my cast loads.
Apr 9, 2017
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Northeast Oklahoma
I've seen the G3Cs on sale for right at $200 from several places lately. That's a helluva deal.

That may have an after rebate price... Whatever. It's still a lot of gun for $200-ish.
The Pt111/G2C's were sub $200 before Covid, now they're $250-275 which I just can't pay. May pick one up if they drop again in the future.
Feb 25, 2017
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I’m going to limit the response to firearms purchased new. First off, Canik. I don’t really call them cheap anymore, but I’ve found every one I’ve owned to be excellent. Definitely the best triggers available on a striker gun. Next, Sar Arms. I have a Sar9 mete. The trigger is only ok, but I love the grip, and it’s far more accurate than it should be. Not available cheap anymore, but my K2 45 was cheap when I bought it. I love the gun. Final one I would throw out is the PSA Dagger. These can be put together stupid cheap shopping the daily deals. In my limited shooting of them, I prefer them to Glocks. The trigger is only tolerable, but I’ve found them to be accurate and reliable. I just picked up a CZ p10c. For less than 3 bills. I have very high hopes for it.
Feb 25, 2017
Reaction score
How about a pair of 110 year old IJ 38 S&W top break revolvers? And just so you don’t think I’m a horrible shot I kept moving a red dot sticker around on the target. 😉 (Shot with the hammerless DA only). Cost me around $150 each
View attachment 415142View attachment 415143

Did you buy them in that condition or did you restore them? It’s rare to see those in such nice condition.
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
That would be Scylla and Charybdis,,,
My Taurus 22-PLY and 25-PLY.

I can't find the receipt but if memory serves me correctly,,,
I bought them at the same time from Buds,,,
For the price of $165.00 apiece.


I also bought a spare mag for each at $30.00,,,
That brought the price up to just under an even $200.00.

When I bought them I also bought,,,
550 rounds of bulk pack .22 LR,,,
And 500 rounds of 25 ACP.

I'm well into the second bulk pack of .22 LR,,,
And over 300 rounds of 25 ACP.

If you keep the chambers squeaky clean,,,
The little things just don't jam,,,

The runners up would be my Bersa Thunder 22 and Thunder 380,,,
I paid $265.00 each for these pistols about 12 years ago,,,
Again, I keep them very clean and lubricated,,,
They just keep on shooting.


The best bargain pistol I have probably doesn't count as I bought it used,,,
But when Classic Firearms but some Beretta 81's (32 ACP) for sale,,,
I ordered one right then for the fantastic price of $199.00.



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