Covid Scam

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May 17, 2020
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Trump vax statements Dec 2021:
"The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump told commentator Candace Owens in an interview on Wednesday. While Trump has expressed opposition to vaccine mandates, he has long taken credit for the vaccines developed on his watch.

"I came up with a vaccine, with three vaccines all are very, very good," he said in the interview, referring to the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson shots.

Trump also said people who are vaccinated aren't the ones becoming seriously ill.

"The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't do the vaccine, but it's still their choice," he said. "And if you take the vaccine you're protected, the results of the vaccine are good."
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Jun 25, 2009
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More nonsense. If I got ugly it was in response to ugliness directed at me. Show me where someone asked me an honest question about treatment & I put them down out of the blue. It didn’t happen. Had plenty of friendly conversations with folks. Granted, there were plenty of arguments, and both sides-including you- got pretty ugly. I think you’re conveniently forgetting that part. Shocking, I know. Right?😀
So now you are doing a bit of revisionist history here. I’m guessing it’s because I’ve made points today that you can’t refute & that prob frustrates you, so you write a post to attack me. Dont be such a Karen. We’re big boys here & can have adult discussions without having our feelings hurt.
So, put that in your pipe & toke up😀

I thought only Democrats 'projected' lies.
But apparently, now it's Democrats and OkcBob.

Here's you handing out 'tin-hats' to people that think differently then you. How very respectful of you. Completely not "ugly".

And here....

It is strange how everyone seems to remember your old posts much differently than you. It must be everyone else that is mistaken and revisionist.

Bob, do whatever your going to do. I dont have the time to argue with you. You're a retired (whatever you did in the hospital) that now has no other purpose other than to post on the internet.

One of us is a revisionist.
We just got to figure out who.......
Need more examples? Scroll through the thread.

My responses start on page 17-ish for fair comparison.
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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I thought only Democrats 'projected' lies.
But apparently, now it's Democrats and OkcBob.

Here's you handing out 'tin-hats' to people that think differently then you. How very respectful of you. Completely not "ugly".

And here....

It is strange how everyone seems to remember your old posts much differently than you. It must be everyone else that is mistaken and revisionist.

Bob, do whatever your going to do. I dont have the time to argue with you. You're a retired (whatever you did in the hospital) that now has no other purpose other than to post on the internet.

One of us is a revisionist.
We just got to figure out who.......
Need more examples? Scroll through the thread.

My responses start on page 17-ish for fair comparison.
Mike drop Bob, share with us your credentials at the very least.


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Jun 13, 2005
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Sigh...... Sure Bob.
I guess we all must have misunderstood you all this time.

You were flat out ugly in early covid days.
People were asking questions and posting alternative options trying to avoid the jab. YOU were the one scouring any alternate methods, saying "Show me proof, where's the study, it's fake, vaccine injuries aren't reliable data, etc, etc".

You may have changed your mind on some things since then, but people remember.

Then, years later, PubMed has done the studies and trials that supports the original thoughts. When people mentions their observations (which is NOW supported by PubMed) - then you come on full-blast belittling the persons observations and you saying "my opinion is better then your opinion, because X" - all while towing the big pharma line!

Doing what you're currently doing will only reinforce others perception of you. Your best option is to tone it waaaay down, be respectful, and give the other opinion some standing.

There's a lot of discontent towards you, and It'll take a long time to undo your damage.
You've made your bed, now sleep in it.

Wise words: "Just ignore the thread if you don’t like what you read."

Bob is is his own guy, so he can respond to what he's said, but the ugliness went both ways. We were being told BS like, people weren't really dying from covid, it was all a hoax, they put microchips in the vaccine, and that the vaccine would cause brain cancer within a 48 hr period..... I mean..... if you didn't drop dead first. Oh and sour apple horse paste on a saltine can cure cancer. I also loved how some would berate the CDC (which I get) but turn around and quote the CDC when it suited them. Also had to love the residual accusations that if someone dropped dead from a heart attack or aneurysm then it was vaccine related. So there was some retarded information coming from all sorts of sources on OSA.

Do "people remember" that too lol?

I also want to clarify something. Pub Med doesn't conduct studies, they publish them, big difference. Your statement that they "now support" whatever it is that you're saying, shows an ignorance of the basic process. Hint: It's a library or archive. Not meant for a reference of study in the respect that they conducted it themselves. You're surely welcome to post whatever study you're speaking of though.

Back to the OP, someone said to sue neurosurgeon for HIS criteria, or more likely the medical group's criteria, for shadowing a surgeon. Hint: They are doing the OP's daughter a HUGE service by allowing this to happen. They are introducing a non-professional into their environment (which has all sorts of liability attached to it) so they can learn. Do I agree with this criteria? nope. IMO the vaccine is somewhat worthless now as the Covid variants going around aren't serious at all. BUT that doesn't mean they aren't within their right to require it, however ridiculous it may be. Act accordingly.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Bob is is his own guy, so he can respond to what he's said, but the ugliness went both ways. We were being told BS like, people weren't really dying from covid, it was all a hoax, they put microchips in the vaccine, and that the vaccine would cause brain cancer within a 48 hr period..... I mean..... if you didn't drop dead first. Oh and sour apple horse paste on a saltine can cure cancer. I also loved how some would berate the CDC (which I get) but turn around and quote the CDC when it suited them. Also had to love the residual accusations that if someone dropped dead from a heart attack or aneurysm then it was vaccine related. So there was some retarded information coming from all sorts of sources on OSA.

Do "people remember" that too lol?

I also want to clarify something. Pub Med doesn't conduct studies, they publish them, big difference. Your statement that they "now support" whatever it is that you're saying, shows an ignorance of the basic process. Hint: It's a library or archive. Not meant for a reference of study in the respect that they conducted it themselves. You're surely welcome to post whatever study you're speaking of though.

Back to the OP, someone said to sue neurosurgeon for HIS criteria, or more likely the medical group's criteria, for shadowing a surgeon. Hint: They are doing the OP's daughter a HUGE service by allowing this to happen. They are introducing a non-professional into their environment (which has all sorts of liability attached to it) so they can learn. Do I agree with this criteria? nope. IMO the vaccine is somewhat worthless now as the Covid variants going around aren't serious at all. BUT that doesn't mean they aren't within their right to require it, however ridiculous it may be. Act accordingly.
Nobody is suing anybody, and like I said previously, whether my daughter does or doesn’t fulfill the requirements for this HUGE opportunity is up to her especially since neuro is what she thinks she wants to do.
I said my peace yesterday, and unless she asks my opinion again, I’m going to keep my damn mouth shut.

Since I’m on an anti medical community tirade, I’ll say that the vast majority of doctors especially general practitioners don’t know chit and chit and are nothing but pill pushers. My wife is overweight, and every time she goes to the doctor which is on a 3 month rotation so they can collect on her insurance they give her another pill for the effects of obesity. NOT ONE DAMN TIME have they ever told her to lose weight. If they really cared about her health, someone in that office (probably the PA or nurse practitioner because she hasn’t actually seen the doctor in years) would tell her she needs to lose weight to help with her health issues, but no, they just write another prescription to mask the problem.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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Nobody is suing anybody, and like I said previously, whether my daughter does or doesn’t fulfill the requirements for this HUGE opportunity is up to her especially since neuro is what she thinks she wants to do.
I said my peace yesterday, and unless she asks my opinion again, I’m going to keep my damn mouth shut.

Since I’m on an anti medical community tirade, I’ll say that the vast majority of doctors especially general practitioners don’t know chit and chit and are nothing but pill pushers. My wife is overweight, and every time she goes to the doctor which is on a 3 month rotation so they can collect on her insurance they give her another pill for the effects of obesity. NOT ONE DAMN TIME have they ever told her to lose weight. If they really cared about her health, someone in that office (probably the PA or nurse practitioner because she hasn’t actually seen the doctor in years) would tell her she needs to lose weight to help with her health issues, but no, they just write another prescription to mask the problem.
After spending an inordinate amount of time in an ICU recently I feel I "might" be slightly qualified to speak just a teeny tiny bit about what went on -- at least with regard to the comings and goings around Room 892, I think it was ... Or maybe it was Room 982 ... I've already forgotten lol

These are my OBSERVATIONS ... Because I paid attention in Engrish Class and know how to use Webster's favorite book. 🤷😉

This may or may not be all that nifty an opportunity. There were a couple of times NPs were trying to get some practical experience under the guise of "professional guidance". The 2 times I watched a MD "guide" a NP through the brachioscopies (I have no idea if that is spelled right lol) they did on Scott the MD became so frustrated with the NPs "overcautious" (his word not mine) technique he snatched the instrument out of the NP's hands and proceeded to do the thing himself. Way to "teach" ... 🙄🙄

I felt kinda bad for the NP -- the MD was CLEARLY more interested in showing off than teaching. I will also say this about the entire staff of the ICU -- a little kindness goes a long way. And while I do not expect Scott will ever stay with me like I stayed with him if the tables are ever turned, I do hope the ICU staff remembers me -- and just keeps me comfortable without all the extraordinary life-saving BS they go through. I don't want to be kept here like that. Not for one single solitary second. Please let me move on to whatever my next adventure is ... This particular "life" I have found to be highly overrated so far.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Since I’m on an anti medical community tirade, I’ll say that the vast majority of doctors especially general practitioners don’t know chit and chit and are nothing but pill pushers. My wife is overweight, and every time she goes to the doctor which is on a 3 month rotation so they can collect on her insurance they give her another pill for the effects of obesity. NOT ONE DAMN TIME have they ever told her to lose weight. If they really cared about her health, someone in that office (probably the PA or nurse practitioner because she hasn’t actually seen the doctor in years) would tell her she needs to lose weight to help with her health issues, but no, they just write another prescription to mask the problem.

I surely won't argue with any of that, I'll also add that most know very little about nutrition and food. But I also know you have to be very careful on what you say to people nowadays, as personal responsibility isn't a thing anymore and people like to be very vocal, if not sue, when they are upset with a doctor.

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