Do you ever worry about the future of this country?

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Watching cable news this morning made me think, something I don’t like to do as much as I used to. In the context of Ebola, ISIS, Obama and crap, in general, I got to thinking what it would be like to be born now; what my future life would be like.
I was born on a dirt farm in southern Oklahoma. It belonged to my mother’s parents. Water was a dug well in the back yard. The outhouse was a one-holer about 100 yds away. There was no electricity, plumbing, gas, or telephone.

There were 3 rooms. The center room was kitchen, dining room, living room all rolled into one. Heat was from the wood-burning cookstove, and the floor was dirt. To one side was my grandparent’s bedroom and to the other was my parent’s (and my) bedroom, both with wood floors. One of my uncles still lived at home and I can’t remember where he slept, but there were no other rooms; maybe in the old barn.

I spent what, to me, was a wonderful 5 years there. Unfortunately, we moved to town (Healdton, about 1,500-2,000 pop.) so I could go to school. Even so, small town Oklahoma was pretty cool. I grew up hunting and fishing at my leisure. It wasn’t uncommon for me to stroll down main street with a fishing pole on one shoulder and a .22 on the other, on the way to my favorite fishing hole and frog pond. No one cared. We didn’t own a car and didn’t until I was 11, the same year I got my first used bike.

I learned to drive on my grandpa’s ’36 Ford truck at about 13. By the time I graduated high school (now at Wilson), I had farmed and raised livestock, noodled catfish, had pet squirrels, crows and skunks, set my own trotlines and trap lines, ran a service station, drilled about 50 waterwells ( with Grandpa), worked on a pipeline dope crew, built 4 houses (with Grandpa, again) and, somehow, managed to stay out of serious trouble. I got my first car the summer I got out of high school. It was a seriously used ’47 Ford Club Coupe. I was proud of that beat-up sucker.

My grandparents and parents were all part of the Great Depression and it showed. We were dirt poor when I was born, but by the time I got out of high school, we were lower middle class; not a minor accomplishment.

I lived all my young and formative years in direct contact with the Greatest Generation, including 4 uncles who survived WWII. Their influence on me was monumental. I was never given to option of checking out. That would be best noted when I was a young adult, a college graduate (the first in our family) and just out of the U.S. Army. After about a month of laying around my parent’s house, spending my meager savings on partying while sleeping under my parent’s roof and eating their food, my Dad called me aside one afternoon. He said simply – “Ronny, where are you gonna sleep tomorrow night?” The message was clear. I got up the next morning, drove to Tulsa, and found a job. Worked for the next 40+ years. Thanks, Dad!

The more I think about it, the more these memories, wonderful for me, nevertheless make me feel bad for today’s kids. What do they have to look forward to? Will they have memories that rival my own? Somehow, I doubt it. I wonder how many of them were born into middle class, but will be destined for a downhill slide? I hope I’m wrong. Am I alone in my concerns?


Special Hen
Jan 24, 2013
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Not alone at all! While I don't have all the life experiences that you've had, I worry about the state of this country every single day.

Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
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I worry about what my G'kids are inheriting from us. But I also realize there's not much I can do about it. I just hope they overcome this mess.


Apr 13, 2010
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Only thing i'm worried about is ammo count! I'm waiting for things to get interesting..............................

LMAO... Never happen, people do not have a backbone any more. The government has trained them over the last 30 to be PC hell they don't even have the balls to SPEAK up and say whats on their minds and you expect the to take a stand? Good luck!


Aug 14, 2012
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I used to worry but then I started looking at our young people. Take a look at OSA. Pharrshot, Been, Jedabug, Eyeseeyou, Sunshine, SomecallmeMom, Prophet and a whole bunch more. I've got 2 girls I'll stack up against anyone, Junior Bonner has a son and a daughter in the service. Many of us have kids that are just coming into their own. Some have grandkids that are going to be graduating soon.

So ya, some of us grew up in a different time. But as we get older, I think we're in good hands. We did a good job for the most part. Times change, society changes, govt changes. It's not as bad as many think, but it's definitely different.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 2, 2014
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I used to worry but then I started looking at our young people. Take a look at OSA. Pharrshot, Been, Jedabug, Eyeseeyou, Sunshine, SomecallmeMom, Prophet and a whole bunch more. I've got 2 girls I'll stack up against anyone, Junior Bonner has a son and a daughter in the service. Many of us have kids that are just coming into their own. Some have grandkids that are going to be graduating soon.

So ya, some of us grew up in a different time. But as we get older, I think we're in good hands. We did a good job for the most part. Times change, society changes, govt changes. It's not as bad as many think, but it's definitely different.

I agree Lurker, and would like to add......

Look backwards and you will see the future. Our Country has had its many ups and downs, we overcame them, we will overcome this one in front of us. Just keep your heads up and be diligent in doing your best. It is all that can be asked.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Yeah, I live a couple of blocks from the Plainview schools in Ardmore and a finer bunch of kids doesn't exist anywhere. They are the kind I hope holds our future.

But, for every one of them, there are hundreds holed up in the hell-holes that are our big cities, living lives with much less promise. I worry that their incentives are being warped by the lives they see around them.

I guess I'm just a negative Nellie.

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