Food Plot Basics

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Deer Slayer

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Ok, lets talk about scent elimination products. There is alot of mis information about scent and se products. The funniest one I hear about is bad breath. First off......I have a question for everyone. What is scent and what is its origin? what causes the scent or odor? Let's see some feedback.

Deer Slayer

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
My rain gauge is bumping 4". The rain gauge on my food plots was over 3 1/2" when I left tonight after teaching a 9 hour hunter ed class. My students were able to see 2 family units several times during the day as they came and went from the feeder. After dark a nice buck was in the front yard. There were 5 does and fawns together all day enjoying the cool rain. I know my plots will really come on now.

Bassin - You are correct as always. Bacteria is the basis for the human odor. If you kill the bacteria then you kill the odor. Bacteria is easy to kill, just raise or lower the pH on the skin. Got bad breath??? eat an apple. Why?? The acid in the apple will lower the pH and kill the bacteria. You can spend your money on special mouth washs for hunters but I will just eat an apple and flip it to the mice to have for dinner. The apple core will not alarm the deer. Wanna mess with a buck's mind??? Urinate in his scrape. He will think he has a new kid on the block to whip. I have done this and observed what happened when the buck winded the scrape. He was a weee bit disturbed but not spooked. I have walked to my deer stand without the aid of drag rags coated in coon pee or fox pee and seen deer cut my trail and pay no attention to it. They just walked on. These are all personal observations over the years on wild deer. Read the books by Charles Alscheimer on his years of deer research. I have read several of his books and swear by them. Do you need the latest camo pattern to fool the deer?? I use woodland camo pattern from the surplus store with no problem.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
My food plots are looking good. About 3 inches tall and signs of some leafy ends nipped off, presumably by deer. Another shower in a week and they should be looking really good.

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